
ED 140幼儿教育导论(4学分)



ED 140:幼儿教育导论


成绩单标题ECE学分介绍4评分模式标准字母评分总授课时数60授课时数30其他时数30课程描述幼儿教育入门课程,侧重于教师作为专业人士(倡导,道德实践,劳动力问题,协会);提供管理有效项目运作的策略;如何规划一个安全、健康的学习环境;并概述了欧洲经委会的哲学和历史。课程学习成果探索欧洲经委会的历史以及历史事件和模式如何塑造了今天的欧洲经委会。2.了解早期儿童发展和教育的主要理论,今天通知欧洲经委会。3. Understand career opportunities available to those with a degree in ECE. 4. Begin to understand diversity and how diversity impacts ECE. 5. Explore the interrelatedness of homes, schools, and communities, including available resources, methods of support, and models of effective collaboration programs.









成绩单标题创伤敏感教室学分3评分模式标准字母等级总接触时数50讲座时数20其他时数30推荐准备ED 140, ED 200或ED 265。课程描述阐述教育环境在支持终身应对机制中的作用。解决压力对儿童全面发展的影响。探讨不良的童年经历(ace)和正念和弹性为基础的方案,以解决和减轻早期创伤的影响的作用。解决压力源对儿童在学习环境中的参与、关系和整体成功的影响。探索设计和领导创伤敏感教室的策略和资源。课程学习成果解释什么是创伤,以及它如何影响课堂上所有学生的学习、动机和成功。2.运用学习、发展和弹性的理论来促进牢固的关系,创造一个安全的学习空间。 3. Practice strengths-based approaches in order to reframe student behaviors as communication and to observe what students need to build resilience. 4. Explore professional development and self-care techniques, including mindfulness, to remain focused on classroom interactions. 5. Apply theories and practices to design elements of a trauma-sensitive classroom. Content outline Part I. Trauma -Understanding Trauma and its Prevalence -The Manifestation of ACEs in the Classroom Part II. Self-Awareness -Intentional Teaching -Remaining Present -Self Care Part III. Relationship -The role and power of relationships in learning Required materials Students are required to use a course textbook, have regular access to Blackboard, and will need to cover costs related to field placement completion.

ED 250:儿童早期教育的高级课程开发与教学方法


成绩单标题Adv Curr Dev Tch Meth在ECE学分4评分模式标准字母成绩总接触时数60讲课时数30其他时数30推荐准备WR 121, ED 140, ED 150和ED 151。对3 - 8岁儿童的各种教学方法进行比较和对比。以幼儿教育的最佳实践为基础,着重于建构主义教学方法和策略。课程学习成果能够比较和评估幼儿教育的主要模式,包括行为主义、建构主义和传统方法。2.展示将学习融入儿童日常活动的能力。3.检查幼儿教育的课程过程。 4. Identify the components of developmentally appropriate, healthy, safe, and culturally sensitive experiences for young children. 5. Develop skills in designing developmentally appropriate curriculum activities for children in various developmental domains. 6. Evaluate curriculum activities designed for young children in an educational setting. 7. Examine major theoretical models and historical perspectives used in curriculum development in ECE.




ED 150:幼儿教育的环境与课程


成绩单标题环境课程在ECE学分4评分模式标准字母成绩总接触时数60讲课时数30其他时数30建议准备ED 140。运用儿童发展方面的知识,为出生至8岁的儿童设计、实施和评估主要发展领域的活动。课程学习成果了解环境中促进或阻碍儿童发展和成功实施适合儿童发展的活动的因素。2.了解在设计适合发展的活动时使用的不同元素,包括发展领域、家庭影响、课程指导、环境和社区影响。3.示范如何在欧洲经委会环境中开展适合儿童发展的活动。4. Understand how integrated ECE programs attempt to meet the needs of all children within the classroom and learning environments. 5. Understand safety and health issues within classrooms and learning environments that can impact learning and activities.

ED 151:幼儿教育学习的观察与指导


成绩单标题观察指导ECE学习学分4评分模式标准字母成绩总接触时数60讲课时数30其他时数30建议准备ED 140。介绍观察技术和工具,以准确地收集儿童的数据,以及如何使用评估来对儿童的需求做出适当的决定,包括规划和早期儿童教育环境。课程学习成果表现出用观察作为评估儿童发展和学习的工具的初步能力。2.培养对文件在支持儿童学习和发展中的作用的理解。3.初步表现出使用数据总结孩子的优势和挑战的能力,并为促进孩子发展的活动和环境提出建议。4. Demonstrate ability to make environmental changes that positively impact a child’s developmental skills. 5. Demonstrate ability to use one screening tool used with children birth to eight years of age.

ED 172:幼儿教育中的语言和读写能力


成绩单标题欧洲经委会语言素养学分3评分模式标准字母成绩总接触时数50讲座时数20其他时数30建议备考ED 140。课程描述涵盖语言和读写能力的发展,因为它涉及到幼儿教育。还涵盖了识字发展的历史、家庭的作用、幼儿如何学习阅读和写作、与儿童一起使用书籍、印刷的概念、理解、识字发展中的不同能力以及观察和评估的作用。课程学习成果发展欧洲经委会语言和识字发展的理念。2.设计环境,课程,和/或材料,提高欧洲经委会的语言和读写能力的发展。3.展示有效的课程计划,以教儿童在欧洲经委会设置有关语言和读写能力发展的主题。 4. Demonstrate ability to select other activities designed to teach language and literacy in ECE settings. 5. Reflect on learning and application of learning throughout this course. 6. Demonstrate ability to integrate new knowledge through application of knowledge gained through reading assignments and class discussions.

ED 173:幼儿教育中的运动、音乐和艺术


成绩单标题运动,欧洲经委会音乐艺术学分3评分模式标准字母成绩总接触时数50讲座时数20其他时数30推荐准备ED 140。课程描述介绍幼儿时期的体育教育、韵律活动、视觉艺术和表演艺术。从发展的角度,涵盖基本的运动技能和艺术过程。课程学习成果在欧洲经委会发展运动、音乐和视觉艺术的哲学。2.考虑创造性思维在早期的作用,以及不同内容领域之间的联系,包括数学、科学、识字和社会科学。3.设计一个活动,支持运动,音乐和视觉艺术在欧洲经委会的发展。 4. Demonstrate effective lesson planning to teach children in an ECE setting topics related to movement, music, and visual arts development. 5. Demonstrate ability to identify and analyze activities designed to teach movement, music, and visual arts in ECE settings.

ED 174:早期儿童教育中的数学、科学和技术


成绩单标题数学,科学,技术- ece学分3评分模式标准字母成绩总接触时数50讲课时数20其他时数30推荐备考ED 140。介绍提高儿童数学、科学和技术理解和技能发展的课程和课程活动。探索的过程本质上是建构主义的,重点是跨学科的方法。课程学习成果在欧洲经委会建立数学、科学和技术发展的哲学。2.认识到促进欧洲经委会数学、科学和技术发展的环境。3.展示有效的课程计划,教孩子们在欧洲经委会设置与数学,科学和技术发展相关的主题。 4. Demonstrate ability to select other activities designed to teach math, science, and technology in ECE settings. 5. Reflect on learning and application of learning throughout this course. 6. Demonstrate ability to integrate new knowledge through application of knowledge gained through reading assignments and class discussions.

ED 224:教育中的反偏见课程


成绩单标题反偏见教育课程学分4评分模式标准字母成绩总接触时数60讲课时数30其他时数30建议备考ED 140。幼儿期是人类发展的关键时期,为在日益多样化的世界中建立身份认同和有意义的参与奠定基础。未来的教育工作者和早期学习倡导者将在儿童早期和小学课堂上培养文化意识。关注身份发展、种族中心主义、种族主义、刻板印象威胁和歧视。包括开发针对幼儿和小学课堂的多元文化、反偏见课程的技术。课程学习成果审查与为早期学习和小学课堂建立反偏见课程模式有关的最佳做法的原则和建议。2.通过写作和对话探索反思性工作,更深入地理解偏见在自己的学习和发展中的作用和影响。3. Demonstrate ability to support children's social, emotional, and cognitive development in order to nurture children's self-awareness, confidence, family pride, and positive social identities. 4. Demonstrate ability to recognize unfairness, have language to describe inequity, and articulate the impact of bias on overall development, learning, and wellness. 5. Demonstrate skills to act, with others or alone, against prejudice and/or discriminatory actions in early learning and elementary settings. 6. Apply theories of learning, development, and social justice to think critically about how to strengthen children’s sense of self, ability to advocate, and their capacity to form caring relationships with others. Content outline The outcomes of this course are in accordance with the National Association for the Education of Young Children's recommendations for establishing anti-bias curricula practices. What Is Anti-Bias Education? Children's Identity Development Becoming an Anti-Bias Teacher, A Developmental Journey Creating an Anti-Bias Learning Community Culture, Language, and Racial Identity Gender Identity and Cultural Traditions Embedded in Holidays Economic Class and Systems of Equity/Inequity Family Structures and Fairness Learning about Different Abilities and Fairness Required materials This course will require a textbook and regular access to Blackboard. Additionally, this course requires a field placement. Related fees, such as the background check and travel-related expenses are up to the student to cover. General education/Related instruction lists Human Relations

ED 240:通过游戏有目的的学习和积极的探索


成绩单标题通过游戏学习学分4评分模式标准字母成绩总接触时数60讲课时数30其他时数30建议准备ED 140。探讨为什么开放的探索、发现和游戏是儿童发展的重要组成部分,游戏在学习中的作用,以及成年人支持和促进游戏的方式。考虑当前的研究和游戏的影响,作为发展自我调节和促进语言,认知和社会能力的重要工具,在标准驱动的课程时代。未来的幼儿和小学教育者对他们在促进儿童学习中的作用的理解将会增长。通过小学阶段的游戏,强调有目的的学习和积极探索的作用。课程学习成果探索游戏在儿童发展和学习中的主导作用。2.分析以游戏为基础的学习如何为跨不同内容领域的学术学习提供基础。3. Demonstrate the role of educators and adults in scaffolding engaging and authentic learning experiences through play. 4. Assess play-based learning environments for developmentally appropriate practices in early learning and elementary settings. 5. Apply theories and understandings of play to design and implement environments and curriculum that address children's social, emotional, cultural, and cognitive needs. Content outline Part I: Exploring the definition of play: what counts as truly open-ended exploration; what are the levels of play, and how does each support children's learning across academic content areas. Part II: Implications of play on lifelong learning: in what ways does developmentally appropriate practices of play and open-ended exploration provide a foundation for subsequent academic understandings. What does research tell us about the foundation as children transition between early learning through higher education? Part III: What is the role of the educator in scaffolding children's learning through play? How do adults support authentic learning through environmental design and curriculum? Part IV: How does the value of play, as a foundation for learning, impact policy and practice in a standards-driven curriculum? How do educators successfully advocate for authentic learning through open-ended exploration while also demonstrating academic rigor and commitment to student success? Required materials Students are required to purchase a textbook, have regular access to Blackboard, and must cover field-placement related costs.



文字记录标题Nutri。,健康安全ECE学分3评分模式标准字母等级总接触时数30讲课时数30推荐备考ED 140。课程描述提供对幼儿健康、安全和营养的基本要素的理解。我们将探讨增强运动发育的方法和材料。课程学习成果确定健康和健康的关键方面(身体,牙齿,精神,营养),并为幼儿计划健康课程,包括那些有特殊保健需求的儿童。2.讨论体育活动的重要性,并解释促进幼儿身体发育的方法。3.分析营养概念和发展适当的喂养做法,以优化婴儿,幼儿,学龄前儿童和学龄儿童的健康。 4. Explain common childhood infectious diseases and how to manage them in early childhood educational settings. 5. Identify safety considerations (physical and emotional) in environments with young children and appropriate emergency situation responses. 6. Identify signs of child abuse and neglect in young children and explain reporting requirements. Content outline Overview/Interconnection of Nutrition, Health, Safety Teaching Wellness Concepts The Foundations of Optimal Nutrition The Science of Nutrition Feeding Infants Feeding Toddlers, Preschoolers, and School-Age Children Menu Planning Food Safety Creating a Climate of Health and Wellness Health Screening and Assessment Managing Infectious Diseases Teaching Children with Special Health Care Needs Children's Mental Health Child Abuse and Neglect Ensuring Physical and Emotional Safety Creating Safe Environments Promoting Safe Practices Responding to Emergencies Societal Issues Regarding Young Children’s Health Required materials Textbook may be required; students must have access to a computer with Internet capability.

ED 269:幼儿教育中的特殊儿童


成绩单标题欧洲经委会的特殊儿童学分3评分模式标准字母成绩总接触时数50讲座时数20其他时数30建议准备ED 140。课程描述让学生了解特殊儿童及其家庭。探索当地资源,以了解出生至5岁儿童的转介程序。探讨典型和非典型的发展和常见的延迟和残疾在所有领域的儿童发展。包括讨论教学方法和策略,以适应或修改,以满足个别儿童的需要。课程学习成果解释有关特殊需要儿童教育的法律。2.确定儿童期发生的特定高发病率(冲动障碍和学习障碍)和低发病率(脑瘫和视力障碍)疾病的特征。 3. Examine the impact of special needs in a child on family development and function. 4. Explain the impact of special needs on the education, health, and safety of a child. 5. Analyze the impact of special needs in children on the community. 6. Review different theories on best practice for educating young children with diverse abilities. Content outline Course introduction and overview of learning outcomes Child Development and Developmental Needs Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Inclusion, and Universal Design Developmental Supports and Interventions Addressing Challenging Behaviors and Learning from Observation Understanding Speech and Language Impairments Understanding Autism Spectrum Visual and Hearing Differences Physical Disabilities Intellectual Differences, ADHD, Nonneurotypical considerations Required materials This course will require a textbook and regular access to Blackboard.






1 Foundtl Health HHPA140篮球1学生主修艺术和文学艾德112年的儿童




