

具有并发性的先决条件:CUL 102CUL 104;任选其一或者说是121英航214



BAK 110:烘焙和糕点基础


成绩单标题烘焙糕点基础I学分4评分模式标准信等级总接触时数80其他时数80先决条件与并发CUL 102;Cul 104;选择wr121或ba214。课程描述了解烘焙行业,术语,设备,厨房操作,刀工,烘焙技术,科学,比例和标准化食谱。了解和制作水果甜点;饼干;蛋白糖饼;泡芙和蛋奶冻。课程学习成果识别和选择各种烘焙产品的原料。 2. Apply standards of professionalism to the baking industry. 3. Examine and outline the major developments in the history of the baking industry. 4. Describe and apply the function of ingredients in the baking process. 5. Explain the use of formula, standardization, and baker’s percentage as it relates to the baking process. 6. Prepare a variety of baked products using creaming, sponge, muffin and basic custard and pastry techniques. 7. Describe and operate equipment typical to the baking process.

BAK 180:奶油冻和冷冻甜点


成绩单标题奶油冻和冷冻甜点学分4评分方式标准字母评分总接触时数80其他时数80前提条件CUL 110或BAK 110。准备并呈现各种蛋奶冻、布丁、巴伐利亚、慕斯、冷冻甜点、冰淇淋、格兰尼塔、冰沙和果子露。课程学习成果解释和演示在冷冻和搅拌冷冻甜点的生产过程中正确的卫生措施。2.比较和对比格兰尼塔、冰沙、果子露和冰淇淋的区别。3.找出制作任何口味冰淇淋或冰沙的配方。4.描述和准备基本的蛋奶冻,包括搅拌和烘烤使用各种增稠剂。 5. Apply the techniques of custards, flavoring and stabilizers to create Bavarians and mousses.

BAK 210:现代糖和巧克力装饰


成绩单标题现代糖巧克力装饰学分4评分模式标准信评分总接触时数80其他时数80前提条件BAK 110或CUL 110。准备各种巧克力和糖装饰和发展雕刻技术。学习调质巧克力,使用模具,转移纸。练习各种糖的技巧,包括拉糖,吹糖,管糖,浇糖,除了喷绘技术,创造各种各样的展示品。课程学习成果解释巧克力的历史,从阿兹特克人第一次种植可可豆到现在的生产。2.描述并演示高级巧克力夹心的手工回火技术。3.演示如何正确保养巧克力糖果制作过程中使用的糖果模具和其他设备。 4. Identify the scientific properties of chocolate. 5. Demonstrate various sugar techniques such as blown sugar and pulled sugar to create three dimensional shapes. 6. Demonstrate a variety of chocolate and sugar decorations and sculpting techniques to produce decorations that can embellish other desserts or artistic showpieces for display.

BAK 220:婚礼庆典和特色蛋糕


成绩单标题婚礼庆典蛋糕学分4评分模式标准信件评分总接触时数80其他时数80前提条件BAK 110或CUL 110。课程描述学习制作庆典蛋糕的历史,包括烘焙、组装和装饰。烤海绵蛋糕,做奶油,口香糖花,皇家糖霜装饰,和翻糖卷。制作包含所有这些元素的婚礼和庆典蛋糕,从设计、烘焙、组装、覆盖和装饰。课程学习成果制作各种各样的单层和多层经典和现代特色蛋糕,同时展示适合大规模生产的技术,使用最新的组装技术和具有成本效益的生产方法。2.用奶油、翻糖、口香糖糊和皇家糖霜装饰蛋糕。3.制作英式和美式庆祝蛋糕的元素,包括烘焙、装饰和组装工作。 4. Execute proper technique while creating sponge cakes, buttercream fillings, gum paste flowers, royal icing piped decorations, and rolled fondant. 5. Produce wedding cakes incorporating all these elements from design, baking, and assembly to covering and decorating.

BAK 250:小四,糖果和经典的米纳迪丝


成绩单标题小四糖果中等学分4评分模式标准字母评分总接触时数80其他时数80先决条件CUL 110或BAK 110。制作个人迷你法式糕点和小蛋糕,如éclairs,水果馅饼,马卡龙和玛德琳蛋糕。练习法式糕点元素,如奶油、奶油、釉料、奶油、水果、巧克力馅料和面团。创建小四显示器;制作诸如pâté de fruit、guimauve、果仁糖、焦糖、牛轧糖、棒棒糖和软糖之类的糖果。学习如何包装和展示糖果。课程学习成果制作个人迷你法国馅饼,如éclairs,水果和柠檬馅饼,马卡龙和玛德琳蛋糕。2.用巧克力、水果、糕点奶油和釉料制作馅料。 3. Plan and construct a display of petit fours and mignardise. 4. Explain the science of sugar and what happens at various stages of the cooking and cooling process. 5. Describe and produce sugar confections, such as fruit paste, guimauve, praline, caramels, nougats, and lollipops. 6. Demonstrate the correct packing and displaying of candies.

BAK 255S:手工面包与传家宝全谷物


成绩单标题工匠面包学分4评分方式标准字母评分总接触时数80其他时数80前提条件BAK 110或CUL 110。制作各种特色面包,如杂粮,黑麦,亚麻籽,有机法棍和有机斯佩尔特。用多种面粉、混合发酵技术和各种生产工艺制作产品。分析不同的面粉以及用它们制成的面包的健康和营养价值。课程学习成果描述并应用各种谷物生产有机、有籽面包的技术。2.比较和对比不同的面粉用于制作纹理密集的面包。3.将技术应用于特定类型的面团。 4. Produce a wide variety of breads, including flax seed, rye, dark rye, pumpernickel, and other Eastern European breads. 5. Explain and apply techniques to produce organic breads with improved health and nutritional benefits.

BAK 140:烘焙和糕点基础II


成绩单标题烘焙糕点基础II学分4评分模式标准字母评分总接触时数80其他时数80前提条件BAK 110。课程描述涵盖基本的糕点面团生产,每个面团的纹理复杂性,以及他们在创造美味的糕点和甜点中的作用。包括蛋挞和派面团,酥皮,pâte泡芙,crêpes,饼干,酥饼,油条,甜酵母面团,馅饼,酥皮和饼干。在这些类别中创建各种产品。课程学习成果制作各种基础糕点用于基础厨房,包括派,果馅饼,饼干,酥饼,饼干,pâte泡芙,crêpes, phyllo, strudel,丰富的面团,和酥皮。2.解释和演示在基本的糕点和甜点制作中,用于制作酥皮和嫩度的各种烘焙技术和配料。3.创建各种质地平衡和美味的糕点和馅料用于高级甜点准备。 4. Differentiate between major tart, pie, dessert, and pastry doughs and replicate each with skill and ease. 5. Evaluate pastries and baked goods based on quality, taste, and appearance. Content outline The Baking Process and Basic Pastry Ingredients and Ingredient Function Types of Cookies Biscuits and Shortbread Tarts and Tart Dough Pies and Pie Dough Puff Pastry Dough Phyllo and Strudel Dough Fried Dough - Fritters Pâte a Choux, Profiteroles and Eclairs Crêpes and Crêpe Desserts Required materials Requires a uniform and baking and pastry arts tool kit available at the COCC Bookstore.

BAK 170:烘焙和糕点基础III


成绩单标题烘焙糕点基础III学分4评分模式标准字母评分总接触时数80其他时数80先决条件BAK 110。制作快速面包和甜点基础酱汁,制作和烘焙蛋糕层,并组装经典蛋糕。主题包括菜单规划和平衡甜点的口味和质地。课程学习成果用松饼法、饼干法和奶油法鉴别和制备各种快速面包。2.准备和评估甜点酱汁,以及如何应用于甜点和演示。3.使用四种基本的搅拌方法选择和准备蛋糕。4. Evaluate prepared cakes for correct ingredient development and mixing. 5. Learn and identify various fillings such as butter cream, ganache, mousse, pastry and different glazes. 6. Understand how to apply different methodologies of combing flavor, texture and taste in constructing various types of cakes. 7. Create their own flavors and texture as well as recipes. 8. Describe and apply the principles of menu planning to produce a variety of dessert menus. 9. Examine and recommend strategies for maintaining balance between the cost of products and the labor used to produce.

BAK 265:综合零售烘焙业务


成绩单标题零售烘焙操作学分5评分方式标准信分总接触时数110讲课时数20实验时数90先决条件BAK 140或CUL 140。学习建立一个成功的烘焙企业的商业概念,并将这些概念应用于现实环境中。导师指导的实验室是理想的学生想要开始自己的零售面包店和测试想法在一个安全的环境。利用现有的烘焙生产方法和设备在烘焙亭制作和销售产品。在零售领域应用烘焙生产技术和商业理论。课程学习成果使用各种烘焙和糕点技巧和方法准备高质量的糕点,蛋糕,糕点和甜点。2.演示糕点制作,销售,展示和整理技巧。3. Demonstrate an understanding of retail baking business practice including marketing, sales, inventory, waste and quality control, minor equipment maintenance, and repair. 4. Demonstrate formula interpretation and conversion in the employment of appropriate baking methods. 5. Maintain quality standards, service, and work ethic in a real-world setting. Content outline Production Franchising Management Baking Costing Safety Sanitation Hiring Leadership Merchandising Sales cycle Required materials Requires uniform and culinary arts tool kit available at the COCC Bookstore.




CUL 270:烹饪艺术顶点


...接触时间110授课时间20实验时间90先决条件CUL 170或贝克170...

CUL 200:餐饮业综合厨房操作


...接触时间110授课时间20实验时间90先决条件CUL 140或贝克140...

