
BAK 140烘焙和糕点基础II(4学分)


涵盖了基本的糕点面团生产,每一个面团的质地的复杂性,以及他们在创造美味的糕点和甜点的作用。包括蛋挞和馅饼面团,酥皮,pâte a泡芙,crêpes,饼干,酥饼,油饼,甜酵母面团,馅饼,phyllo和饼干。在每个类别中创建各种产品。


BAK 140:烘焙和糕点基础II


成绩单标题烘焙糕点基础II学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系学时总数80其他学时80先决条件BAK 110。介绍了面点的基本制作方法,每种面点的复杂质地,以及它们在制作美味糕点和甜点时的作用。包括蛋挞和馅饼面团,酥皮,pâte a泡芙,crêpes,饼干,酥饼,油饼,甜酵母面团,馅饼,phyllo和饼干。在每个类别中创建各种产品。学习成果制作各种基础糕点用于基础厨房,包括派,馅饼,饼干,酥饼,饼干,pâte a泡芙,crêpes, phyllo,馅饼,丰富的面团,和酥皮。2.解释和演示在基本糕点和甜点的制作中,用于制作酥皮和嫩度的各种烘焙技术和原料。3.制作各种质地平衡和美味的糕点和用于高级甜点准备的馅料。 4. Differentiate between major tart, pie, dessert, and pastry doughs and replicate each with skill and ease. 5. Evaluate pastries and baked goods based on quality, taste, and appearance. Content outline The Baking Process and Basic Pastry Ingredients and Ingredient Function Types of Cookies Biscuits and Shortbread Tarts and Tart Dough Pies and Pie Dough Puff Pastry Dough Phyllo and Strudel Dough Fried Dough - Fritters Pâte a Choux, Profiteroles and Eclairs Crêpes and Crêpe Desserts Required materials Requires a uniform and baking and pastry arts tool kit available at the COCC Bookstore.

BAK 225:慕斯


成绩单标题特米斯学分4年级模式标准信等级联系学时总数80其他学时80先决条件BAK 140或CUL 140。推荐制剂BAK 180。学习制作慕斯的原理和技巧。讲座和实验主题包括:慕斯的历史,欧洲设计,技术和组装。利用各种技术来创造层次的味道和纹理,同时结合多种整理和装饰风格。应用传统和现代的应用玻璃,糖和巧克力装饰。学习成果利用各种各样的技巧制作各种各样的慕斯。2.评估蛋糕/慕斯的质量和外观。 3. Identify the basic elements of entremets. 4. Demonstrate the ability to utilize a variety of garnishing and finishing techniques. Content outline Entremet basics Verrines Petit Gateau L'Exotique Coffee and doughnuts Victoria Entremet Frozen Entremet Fruit Entremet Required materials Requires textbook and baking and pastry tool kit available at the COCC Bookstore.



成绩单标题镀金甜点演示学分4年级模式标准信等级联系学时总数80其他学时80先决条件BAK 140或CUL 140。推荐制剂BAK 180。学习电镀,宴会,自助餐和餐桌边甜点的原理和技术。探索历史,装饰,采购,成本,味道,展示,并设计甜蜜和美味的甜点。回顾大批量生产、部分控制和废物管理。创建一个最终的甜点包含所有主题,包括个人设计,口味和装饰。学习成果演示和讨论烘焙食品和甜点的不同呈现风格。2.评估烘焙食品和甜点的展示质量。 3. Identify the basic elements of plated desserts. 4. Effectively plan and time for dessert service including food cost; labor cost; and time management. 5. Utilize garnishes on plates to add to visual appeal and to maintain balance on plate. 6. Maintain consistent quality in large-volume desserts. 7. Develop and troubleshoot baking and pastry recipes. Content outline Menu Planning Buffet and Banquet Service Banquet Desserts Banquet Setup High Volume Dessert Plating Restaurant Dessert Service Restaurant Line/Station Setup Time Management / Efficiency / Attitude Controlling Waste Balancing Flavors Dessert Service Table Side Service Required materials Requires textbook and baking and pastry tool kit available at the COCC Bookstore.

BAK 240:手工面包的工艺


成绩单标题工匠面包工艺学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系学时总数80其他学时80先决条件BAK 140或BAK 101或CUL 140。应用原则和技术准备瘦肉酵母,丰富和酸面包,包括面饼,法棍面包,奶油蛋卷,百吉饼,椒盐卷饼,酸面包和黑麦面包。强调地区和国际面包,自然发酵,和使用各种面粉和谷物。实践和应用传统和创新的烘焙,成型和整理方法。学习成果运用手工技术,如手工塑形和混合和缓慢和自然发酵的方法,生产出独特的风味和外观的面包。2.演示制作酵母面团的十二个烘焙步骤,并熟练和精确地复制每一个步骤。3.演示每种原料在高质量面包生产中的作用。 4. Apply specific tools, such as baker’s percentage, to formulate, design, convert, troubleshoot, and evaluate bread formulas. 5. Create and evaluate variety of traditional and regional handcrafted artisan breads. Content outline A brief history of bread Ingredient properties and equipment The baking process The mixing sequence and dough development Lean straight dough and hearth breads The fermentation phase The shaping phase Rich and sweet dough The proofing phase Décor and baking Regional breads Preferments and long fermentation Natural fermentation and sourdough Whole grains and rye Required materials Requires a uniform and baking and pastry arts tool kit available at the COCC bookstore.

BAK 215:层压面团和维也纳噪音


成绩单标题层压面团Viennoiserie学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系学时总数80其他学时80先决条件BAK 140或CUL 140。学习层压面团的基本原理和面制艺术。准备欧洲和美国丰富的酵母面团,包括经典和现代品种的奶油蛋卷,牛角面包,丹麦,酵母咖啡蛋糕,甜甜圈和甜卷。学习原料选择,产品标识,零售销售,配方,成型,打样和烘焙质量的层压产品。学习成果识别和定义欧洲和美国的层压富,酵母凸起的面团和糕点。2.演示一致和正确的技术,同时创造各种各样的欧洲和美国层压丰富的酵母凸起面团和糕点。3.确定并应用复合面团的配料比例。 4. Select and prepare proper garnishes and fillings for a variety of rich yeasted raised doughs. 5. Apply creative techniques to a variety of rich yeasted raised doughs. 6. Understand and apply efficient production techniques for a profit centered business. Content outline Mixing, baking, shaping Ingredient properties Rich doughs: Cinnamon Rolls / Sticky Buns / Muffins Rich doughs: Brioche / Coffee Cakes Fried breakfast pastries: Cake Doughnuts Fried breakfast pastries: Yeasted Doughnuts Laminated dough: Puff Pastry -- Sweet and Savory Laminated dough: Inverse Puff Pastry Laminated dough: Croissants Laminated dough: Danish Required materials Requires textbook and baking and pastry tool kit available at the COCC Bookstore.

BAK 235S:经典法式糕点


成绩单标题古典法式糕点学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系学时总计80其他学时80先决条件CUL 140或BAK 140。制作各种古典和现代法式蛋糕或“慕斯”。用印有商标、巧克力和糖来装饰。使用新鲜的食材,利用传统法国食谱的最新方法。准备经典的法式馅饼,练习不同类型的饼皮,面团和馅料。学习成果制作各种经典和现代的法国蛋糕,或“慕斯”,同时展示适合大规模生产的技术,使用最新的组装技术和成本效益的生产方法。2.用他们自己制作的装饰来突出他们的蛋糕,比如丝网、印刷商标、巧克力和糖装饰。3. Demonstrate proficiency in using updated methods of traditional French recipes, maintaining high quality by using fresh ingredients. 4. Make a variety of French cakes having multiple taste and texture profiles. 5. Make a variety of French tarts demonstrating different types of crusts, doughs, and fillings.

BAK 265:综合零售烘焙业务


成绩单标题零售烘焙操作学分5年级模式标准信件等级联系学时总计110课程学时20实验学时90先决条件BAK 140或CUL 140。学习如何建立一个成功的烘焙企业的商业概念,并将这些概念应用到现实环境中。教师指导的实验室是理想的学生想要开始自己的零售面包店和测试的想法在一个安全的设置。利用现有的烘焙生产方法和设备在烘焙亭制作和销售产品。在零售领域应用烘焙生产技术和商业理论。学习成果用各种烘焙和糕点技巧和方法准备高质量的糕点、蛋糕、面点和甜点。2.演示糕点制作,销售,展示和整理技巧。3. Demonstrate an understanding of retail baking business practice including marketing, sales, inventory, waste and quality control, minor equipment maintenance, and repair. 4. Demonstrate formula interpretation and conversion in the employment of appropriate baking methods. 5. Maintain quality standards, service, and work ethic in a real-world setting. Content outline Production Franchising Management Baking Costing Safety Sanitation Hiring Leadership Merchandising Sales cycle Required materials Requires uniform and culinary arts tool kit available at the COCC Bookstore.

BAK 280:烘焙和糕点艺术行业实习


成绩单标题烘焙行业实习学分1-6年级模式通过/不通过联系总时数30-180其他时数30-180前提条件BAK 140提供监督工作经验,旨在扩展职业知识和经验信心,同时增加知识、速度、时机、组织和重复执行行业技能的能力。包括多样化的工作经验,在厨房、餐厅和一般操作岗位进行系统轮换。学习成果熟练掌握经典和现代烘焙技术的综合过程。2.对风味分析、配料选择、营养和呈现原则有深刻理解。3.熟练使用烘焙行业专用设备。4. Apply diligent food and beverage management, leadership, customer service, and interpersonal skills. 4. Identify and apply rigorous food safety and sanitation practices. 5. Demonstrate basic measuring, conversion, food costing, and yield management practices. 6. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of baking industry-specific communication. Content outline • Pastry • Bread • Dough • Dessert • Chocolate • Sugar • Gluten • Sanitation • Safety • Communication • Management • Nutrition • Plating • Ingredient selection Required materials Determined by the site location.




CUL 200:餐饮行业的综合厨房操作



CUL 230:烹饪营养和健康烹饪的应用技术



