
IT 201二年级意大利语I(4学分)




IT 201:二年级意大利语I


成绩单标题二年级意大利语I学分4评分方式标准信件评分总接触时数40授课时数40推荐准备IT 103;以前学过意大利语的学生应该与老师联系,询问应该上哪门课。继续一年级意大利语课程的学习,复习、扩展和完善发音、结构和词汇,以便进行积极的口头和书面交流。越来越强调写作和阅读技能。文化、地域主义和历史融合;课程主要用意大利语授课。课程学习成果成果1 -口语/写作谈论旅行,制定旅行计划。谈论过去的事情,讲过去的故事。看时间,看日常生活。 Placing and making phone calls 5. Making reservations 6. Talking about mass media, distractions Outcome 2 - Reading 1. You will be able to scan the following for gist to identify some pertinent information on demand: signs, lists, notes, schedules, directions, short passages, and basic dialogue 2. Recognize distinctions expressed by written conventions (e.g. accent marks, special letters, and punctuation marks) 3. Recognize distinctions expressed by written conventions (e.g. accent marks, special letters, and punctuation marks) 4. Recognize cognates in written communications 5. Follow basic instructions Outcome 3 – Culture 1. Learn about the different regions of Italy. 2. Italian food, and eating habits of Italians 3. Linguistic and Nonverbal Behavior – Understand the cultural messages reflected in linguistic conventions and in non-verbal behaviors. 4. Different dialects, accents and pronunciations in Italy 5. Italians and technology Outcome 4 Listening 1. You will be able to recognize familiar words and very basic phrases concerning themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly. Outcome 5- Spoken Interaction 1. You will be able to ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. General education/Related instruction lists Cultural Literacy Arts and Letters

IT 202:二年级意大利语二


成绩单标题二年级意大利语II学分4评分方式标准信件评分总接触时数40授课时数40推荐备考IT 201;以前学过意大利语的学生应该与老师联系,询问应该上哪门课。继续学习意大利语201课程,复习、扩展和完善发音、结构和词汇,以便进行积极的口头和书面交流。越来越强调写作和阅读技能。文化、地域主义和历史融合;课程主要用意大利语授课。课程学习成果成果1 -口语/写作谈论旅行,制定旅行计划。谈论过去的事情,讲过去的故事。看时间,看日常生活。 Placing and making phone calls 5. Making reservations 6. Talking about mass media, distractions Outcome 2 - Reading 1. You will be able to scan the following for gist to identify some pertinent information on demand: signs, lists, notes, schedules, directions, short passages, and basic dialogue 2. Recognize distinctions expressed by written conventions (e.g. accent marks, special letters, and punctuation marks) 3. Recognize distinctions expressed by written conventions (e.g. accent marks, special letters, and punctuation marks) 4. Recognize cognates in written communications 5. Follow basic instructions Outcome 3 – Culture 1. Learn about the different regions of Italy. 2. Italian food, and eating habits of Italians 3. Linguistic and Nonverbal Behavior – Understand the cultural messages reflected in linguistic conventions and in non-verbal behaviors. 4. Different dialects, accents and pronunciations in Italy 5. Italians and technology Outcome 4 Listening 1. You will be able to recognize familiar words and very basic phrases concerning themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly. Outcome 5- Spoken Interaction 1. You will be able to ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. General education/Related instruction lists Cultural Literacy Arts and Letters

MUS 201:音乐入门:古代-1800


成绩单标题音乐概论:古代-1800学分3评分方式标准信分总接触时数30课时30课程描述介绍西方美术音乐及其文学的历史。包括音乐词汇,风格,形式,主要作曲家和音乐的历史发展从中世纪,文艺复兴,巴洛克和古典时代的研究。课程学习成果找出从古代到1800年西方传统中著名的音乐作品和作曲家。2.使用音乐艺术词汇和语言。3.在历史、社会、文化和哲学背景下讨论音乐和社会之间的关系。4.解释从古代到1800年音乐家使用的传统西方作曲和演奏技巧。 Content outline • Basic Fundamentals of Listening • Musical Elements - melody, rhythm, harmony, texture and forms • Musical Instruments • Music of the Middle Ages • Music of the Church - monophonic chant, mass, organum, and motet • Music of the Kings – singer/songwriters and the development of instrumental music • Music of the Renaissance • Music of Upheaval – Church music vs. Aristocratic music and the new music these tensions create • Music of the Baroque • Music and the Public – the rise of public venues, musical virtuosos and the explosion of instrumental music • Eighteenth Century Classicism • Symmetry and Balance – the influence of Classical architecture and its relevance to new forms that create a more approachable musical style • Music and the Middle Class – a new audience develops and creates a desire for different musical styles. Required materials Class will require a textbook and/or readings determined by the instructor. General education/Related instruction lists Arts and Letters

PS 201:美国政府和政治简介


成绩单标题简介美国政府政治学分4评分模式标准信件评分总接触时数40授课时数40推荐准备wr121。课程描述考察美国的政治制度与它的三权分立,有限的权力和个人自由的保障。包括对政治意识形态、政党、投票、媒体和利益集团的研究。特别强调将放在宪法及其在当今美国的应用的详细研究。课程学习成果理解、分析和解释宪法中所表达的美国政府的基本主题。理解、分析和解释美国民主和美国政治制度的根本根源和来源。3.理解、分析和解释美国政治体系中政治意识形态、政党、投票、民意和特殊利益集团之间的关系。4. Understand, analyze, and explain the constitutional relationship between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government at the federal and state level with each other and the people of the United States. 5. Understand, analyze, and explain the concepts of individual liberties, majority rule with minority rights, equality, privacy, and limited government guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 6. Understand, examine, and explain contemporary political problems and debates in the American nation and the international community. 7. Understand the relationship between the citizen and the responsibilities of civic virtue and civic duty. General education/Related instruction lists Social Science

APR 201:电气/制造工厂5 -电机控制


成绩单标题MPE 5 -电机控制学分4评分模式标准字母等级总接触小时84其他小时84课程描述课程包括应用于电机,配电系统,变压器,电子控制设备,继电器,光电和接近控制,可编程控制器,启动器,预防性维护,和国家电气规范,因为它适用于这些主题。本课程以讲座/实验室形式授课,实验室涵盖了控制小型电机的列出设备的接线和操作。课程学习成果学生将把工业电路的理论和技术应用于贸易中的典型应用。2.学生将解释并实践应用于课程内容的安全。3.学生将描述电动机和起动器的安装。4.学生将阅读和解释电气符号、规范和线形图。 5. Student will interpret the National Electrical Code requirements as the apply to the subject matter of this course.

HS 201:家庭和成瘾


成绩单标题家庭与上瘾学分3评分方式标准信分总接触时数30授课时数30推荐准备wr121。课程描述检查物质使用障碍如何影响家庭系统。主题将包括家庭内物质使用障碍的病因学,对系统成员及其动态的影响,干预和治疗方法,以及长期恢复问题。家庭成员、夫妻和重要的其他人必须采取的策略和行为,以帮助持续的恢复和健康的关系将被概述。课程学习成果演示一个基本的理论理解,什么产生更多的功能和较少的功能族。2.说明家庭、社会网络和社区系统在治疗和康复过程中的重要性。3.描述评估模型和潜在干预(在实践范围内)的家庭和重要的其他人,包括扩大,亲属关系,或部落家庭结构。 4. Define ethical practice (scope of practice) and application of family intervention for substance (or process) abuse. Content outline Family Systems theories Attachment Families in recovery Required materials Textbooks

PHL 201:认识论-知识,科学和理性的历史


成绩单标题知识,科学和理性学分4评分方式标准信评分总接触时数40授课时数40推荐准备WR 121。分析学传统中的认识论可归结为“知识的科学”:“知道”是什么意思?我们怎么知道我们应该知道的事情?什么构成了可能知识的对象?本课程探讨基本问题和知识的不同理论,以及形而上学的相关问题,例如:如何定义知识的性质和界限;理性主义与经验主义的观点;关于现实和存在的假设;以及是否存在上帝的争论。课程学习成果认识并回应具有认识论特征的问题或问题。 2. Explain different philosophical positions or theories that are common to the Western tradition and articulate one’s own points of view in a clear, consistent, concise and thorough manner. 3. Utilize basic tools of philosophic inquiry and argument. 4. Interpret primary source material and show how historical texts may be applied to contemporary debates or dilemmas. Content outline I. Introduction and the Analysis of Knowledge II. Defeasibility Theory III. Relevant Alternatives Theory IV. Causal Theory of Knowledge, Knowledge as Truth-Tracking, Internalism vs. Externalism V. Skepticism and the Structure of Knowledge VI. Coherentism VII. Foundationalism VIII. Theories of Perception IX. Empiricism X. Direct Realism XI. Rationalism XII. Conventionalism Required materials Required textbook. General education/Related instruction lists Arts and Letters

PSY 201:心灵和大脑


成绩单标题心智与大脑学分4评分方式标准信件评分总接触时数40授课时数40推荐准备WR 060(或更高)或最少安排WR /Comm 5级。课程描述介绍心理学作为行为的生物学基础的科学研究。包括历史心理学作为一门科学和调查方法的调查,统计,感觉,知觉,意识状态,包括药物效果,动机,情绪,学习,记忆,语言,思维和智力。包括心理学的主要理论方法。课程学习成果阐述心理学研究(行为、认知、生理)主要方法的哲学基础。2.展示心理学作为一门科学的历史演变知识。3.标注并解释科学方法的步骤,包括控制条件、可量化的依赖测量、具有操作定义的自变量识别、抽样技术、主题选择和分配以及基本程序; apply these steps to the main varieties of empirical methodology. 4. Understand the use of basic descriptive and inferential statistics in the analysis and interpretation of data. 5. Discuss the legitimate and ethical uses of results. 5. Analyze the interactions among anatomy, physiology, and environment in the production of behavior. 6. Describe the major approaches to understanding behavioral processes involved in learning and memory, including the empirical techniques of each, as well as the philosophical similarities and differences. 7. Discuss the historical and contemporary bases for determining intelligence (testing and evaluation). 8. Incorporate notions of validity, reliability and significance. 9. Evaluate the impact of the various methods and approaches to understanding the concept of intelligence and discuss the potential individual, educational, societal and political impacts. 10. Elaborate on the various proposed types of intelligence. 11. Present the evidence for the evolution of emotions in humans and non-humans. 12. Include cross-cultural evidence for primary and secondary emotions and their uses as communication. 13. Provide a workable definition of language, with arguments for and against its existence any species but humans. 14. Discuss the components of a functional language system (morphemes, phonemes, syntax). 15. Evaluate the various theories for determining the motivational state of an individual, with attention to the various types of motivation. 16. Include a thorough presentation of the importance of understanding the biological, emotional, social and cultural contributions to individuals' motivations and subsequent behavior. General education/Related instruction lists Social Science



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