
Tutoring Locations

How to Access COCC Tutors

How to UseWestern eTutoring ConsortiumTutors

Quick facts about Tutoring

No need for an appointment, tutoring is offered on a drop-in basis for the majority of subjects, via Zoomandin-person.

Click on:

Welcome to eTutoring!

Tutoring is afreeservice offered to all currently enrolled students.

Step 1:Log on to your COCC Canvas account for specific subjects and locations. (click on theCOCC Tutoringtab)

Here you will findin-person schedulesandZOOM schedules.

Username:your entire COCC email address


COCC tutors are faculty recommended, trained and current in our curriculum

Step 2: Click on the COCC Tutoring tab and select a tutor who is on-line

Password: coccetutor

(do not change this password, it is the same for all students)


Call 541-383-7539 or e-mailksmith@cocc.edu

Specific times listed in Canvas

Weekly Schedule for Online Tutoring