
G 201地质学I -动态地球(4学分)gydF4y2Ba



g201:地质学I -动态地球gydF4y2Ba


成绩单标题地质学一学分4学分模式标准信分接触时数共60课时30实验时数30描述从板块构造的角度考察动态地球。使用地质的角度来考虑人类和地质世界如何相互影响。第一道菜。适合非专业学生。1.学习成果解释地质学的基本理论和建立这些理论的证据。2.认识到科学思维的技能,如观察和解释以及检验假设。3.评估地质灾害对社会造成的风险。 4. Sustainability outcome: Explain the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic systems in the context of geology. 5. Sustainability outcome: Analyze the major environmental, social, and economic challenges and potential solutions of our time using a systems thinking approach. Content outline The scientific process (how scientific knowledge is created) Plate tectonics Earthquakes Volcanism Geo-hazards associated with the Cascadia subduction zone, including earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes Earth resources, including rocks, minerals, and fossil fuels Earth systems and climate change Required materials Field trips often substitute for labs, with options to ensure accessibility for every student. Transportation will be provided. General education/Related instruction lists Science Lab







g202:地质学II -地球表面gydF4y2Ba


成绩单标题地质学II学分4年级模式标准信等级接触时数合计60讲课时数30实验时数30推荐准备g201。通过表面过程的镜头检查地球的动态景观。使用地质的角度来考虑人类和地质世界如何相互影响。第二道菜。1.学习成果解释地质学的基本理论和建立这些理论的证据。2.运用科学思维的技巧,如观察、解释和检验假设。3.评估人类在景观演化过程中的作用。 4. Sustainability outcome: Explain the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic systems in the context of geology. 5. Sustainability outcome: Analyze the major environmental, social, and economic challenges and potential solutions of our time using a systems thinking approach. Content outline The scientific process (how scientific knowledge is created) Earth systems and the hydrologic cycle Surface processes and landscape evolution Isostasy and mountain-building Mass wasting (landslides) Fluvial environments (rivers) Glacial environments (glaciers) Sediment transport via landslides, rivers, glaciers, and human activities Climate change Required materials Field trips often substitute for labs, with options to ensure accessibility for every student. Transportation will be provided. General education/Related instruction lists Science Lab

ENG 201:莎士比亚gydF4y2Ba


成绩单标题莎士比亚学分4年级模式标准信分联系时间共计40课时40推荐准备WR 121。研究莎士比亚早期和中期的代表性戏剧和与戏剧元素相关的十四行诗。1.学习成果定义和说明莎士比亚戏剧的主要文学元素:情节,人物,措辞,主题,动作和特效,应用大学文学分析标准。2.分析所选择的喜剧、悲剧、历史和浪漫等戏剧形式的元素之间的关系,以确定类型如何影响单个戏剧的发展;了解类型内部的变化,比如典型角色与复杂角色的对比,或者类型的子类型,比如罗马喜剧和浪漫或节日喜剧,塞内卡悲剧和历史悲剧;对于后来的戏剧,在莎士比亚体裁发展的过程中进行比较分析。3.确定关键的传记,历史,社会和知识问题的文艺复兴,宗教改革,和都铎-伊丽莎白时期的英格兰与戏剧的关系; analyze the plays by comparing dramatic elements with selected intellectual, historical and/or biographical issues; for later plays, apply comparative analysis to show development of dramatic methods. 4. Practice in-depth formal literary criticism, applying relevant critical opinions to one's own analysis and interpretation of Shakespearean plays (both text and visual); illustrate these in graded writing assignments using appropriately selected examples from the plays and from scholars. 5. Demonstrate effective writing skills when communicating and supporting literary analysis, interpretation, and evaluation, in graded writing assignments; for later plays, practice comparative analysis of applicable literary approaches and “schools” of literary analysis, including theories of “the other,” feminist theory, gender studies, diversity issues, New Historicism, and psychological and economic approaches. 6. Identify and analyze complex practices, values, and beliefs and the culturally and historically defined meanings of difference in Shakespearean drama, both in terms of their function within Shakespeare's plays and in terms of how the cultural context of Shakespeare's time informs the plays. Content outline Shakespeare’s early to early middle periods (1590 through 1600) Comedies, tragedies, histories, and sonnets Standard/common themes in Shakespeare (e.g. fate, honor, betrayal, revenge, identity/mistaken identity, madness, gender, and family) Elements of dramatic structure (e.g. Aristotle’s Principles for Tragedy, the “Three Unities,” exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement) Dramatic sub-genres (e.g. Senecan Tragedy, Revenge Tragedy, Farce, and Romantic Comedy) Play staging (e.g. setting, props, costuming, blocking, pacing, and special effects) Critical approaches (e.g. psychological [Freudian, Jungian, etc.], economic [Marxist], gender [feminist and queer studies], and historical [New Historicism]) Required materials All plays are available free online (links to reputable versions provided); hard copy plays are also on reserve in the COCC library; additional required readings (e.g., scholarly articles) are posted in our Blackboard course. General education/Related instruction lists Cultural Literacy Arts and Letters

IT 201:二年级意大利语IgydF4y2Ba


成绩单标题二年级意大利语I学分4年级模式标准信等级接触时间共计40课时40推荐准备IT 103;以前学过意大利语的学生应该与老师联系,询问应该上哪门课。继续第一年的意大利语工作,复习,扩展和完善发音,结构和词汇,以积极的口头和书面交流为目的。越来越强调写作和阅读技能。文化、地域主义和历史融合;课程主要用意大利语授课。学习成果成果1 -口语/写作谈论旅行,制定旅行计划。谈论过去的事情,讲过去的故事。看时间,看日常生活。 Placing and making phone calls 5. Making reservations 6. Talking about mass media, distractions Outcome 2 - Reading 1. You will be able to scan the following for gist to identify some pertinent information on demand: signs, lists, notes, schedules, directions, short passages, and basic dialogue 2. Recognize distinctions expressed by written conventions (e.g. accent marks, special letters, and punctuation marks) 3. Recognize distinctions expressed by written conventions (e.g. accent marks, special letters, and punctuation marks) 4. Recognize cognates in written communications 5. Follow basic instructions Outcome 3 – Culture 1. Learn about the different regions of Italy. 2. Italian food, and eating habits of Italians 3. Linguistic and Nonverbal Behavior – Understand the cultural messages reflected in linguistic conventions and in non-verbal behaviors. 4. Different dialects, accents and pronunciations in Italy 5. Italians and technology Outcome 4 Listening 1. You will be able to recognize familiar words and very basic phrases concerning themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly. Outcome 5- Spoken Interaction 1. You will be able to ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. General education/Related instruction lists Cultural Literacy Arts and Letters

FR 201:第二学年法语IgydF4y2Ba


成绩单标题二年级法语I学分4年级模式标准信件等级接触时间共计40课时数40推荐准备FR 103或三年高中法语。继续第一年的法语工作,回顾,扩展和完善发音,结构和词汇,以积极的口头和书面交流为目的。强调写作和阅读能力。将文化融入课程的各个方面;课程主要用法语授课。课程应按顺序进行。1.学习成果谈论你住的地方(住房,描述你住的地方)。2.谈论你的财产(你有什么,某物在哪里)。 3. Giving your address and phone number. 4. Describing your family (feelings and appearances). 5. Free time (leisure activities, saying what you are going to do, traveling). 6. Saying what you did /where you went over the weekend/on a recent trip. 7. Discussing the weather 8. Clothing and how to buy clothes 9. Inviting someone to go out. 10. Talking about how you spend your time. 11. Talking about the past. 12. You will be able to scan the following for gist to identify some pertinent information on demand: signs, lists, notes, schedules, directions, short passages, and basic dialogue. 13. Recognize distinctions expressed by written conventions (e.g. accent marks, special letters, and punctuation marks). 14. Recognize cognates in written communications. 15. Follow basic instructions. 16. Learn about francophone countries and regions around the world. 17. Learn about the regions and major cities of France. 18. Linguistic and Nonverbal Behavior – Understand the cultural messages reflected in linguistic conventions and in non-verbal behaviors. 19. You will be able to recognize familiar words and very basic phrases concerning themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly. 20. You will be able to ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. General education/Related instruction lists Cultural Literacy Arts and Letters



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FR 202:第二年法语IIgydF4y2Ba



IT 202:二年级意大利语二gydF4y2Ba






