
BI 101普通生物学:细胞与基因(4学分)



BI 101:普通生物学:细胞与基因


成绩单名称普通生物学:细胞基因学分4年级模式标准信学分联系时数总计60课时授课时数30实验室时数30描述为满足通识教育要求,本课程适用于课程要求生物课程的非专业学生。以生物有机体的统一性概念为中心,包括进化、生物化学、细胞生物学、遗传学和发展。不需要按顺序服用。实验室第一周上课。学习成果1。识别科学假说并评估生物解释的科学有效性。2.从图表、模型和科学研究数据中生成逻辑解释和结论。3.分析解释生命起源的科学证据。 4. Model the processes of cell respiration and photosynthesis. 5. Apply an understanding of the cell cycle to cellular abnormalities such as cancer. 6. Explain the mechanisms for new genetic information. 7. Use Mendelian principles to predict genetic inheritance patterns. 8. Describe gene expression and regulation. General education/Related instruction lists Science Lab




BI 234:微生物学


成绩单标题微生物学学分4年级模式标准信年级联系时数总计60课时30实验室时数30先决条件WR 065或WR 121或最低职位WR /Comm Level 7和(BI 101,或BI 211,或BI 221或BI 231)。了解微生物的特征和致病特征,特别是引起人类严重传染病的细菌和病毒。包括对感染和疾病的防御机制,以及对未来感染的免疫发展。讨论了几种抗微生物药物的作用机理。还包括一些历史上常见的人类感染和疾病。专为护理、药学预科和其他专业预科健康课程的学生设计。学习成果1。演示使用当前实验室技术安全、适当地识别病原体并将知识应用于病原体引起的疾病的技能。2.分析和解释实验室结果,以确定微生物、感染和/或选定的人类对微生物暴露的反应。 3. Apply principles of microbiology to disease processes. 4. Link pathogens and disease causing entities to disease processes and control. 5. Recognize effects of microbiome on human host. 6. Determine effective treatments for microbial and infectious disease states. 7. Apply evidence-based concepts to microbial and infectious disease prevention. Content outline History and major discoveries in microbiology The diversity of the microbiome including types of pathogenic and disease-causing entities Human-microbe interactions (beneficial, neutral, detrimental) Features of specific microbes (and disease causing entities) that cause pathogenicity and allow for identification Microbial control, including disinfection, antibiotic use, and selection for anti-microbial resistance Basic principles of infection, disease transmission, and risk factors Disease prevention techniques including vaccines and immunization Major features of selected microbial diseases and strategies for decreasing morbidity and mortality Current microbiological and molecular laboratory techniques, including microscopy, aseptic technique, culturing, identification, and microbial control Selected lab tests used to identify pathogens / microbes, diagnose illness, and interpret immune response to microbial exposure Required materials Required course pack and/or textbook. General education/Related instruction lists Science Lab

VT 101:兽医技师入门


成绩单标题兽医技师入门学分3年级模式标准信级联系时数总计30授课时数30先决条件BI 101或BI 211或BI 221;CH 104或CH 221;MTH 095或MTH 111(或更高)或至少安排数学18级;或者说是121;COMM 218;根据进入兽医技师项目的资格获得教练批准。包括VT 102, VT 103, VT 117。介绍兽医技师在兽医保健团队中的角色、兽医技师的职业机会、兽医医学的历史、伦理、常见的小动物品种以及兽医团队内和与客户的有效沟通技巧。学习成果1。总结兽医技师在兽医保健团队中的作用。 2. Explain the history, legal issues and ethics of veterinary medicine. 3. Identify career opportunities within the broad field of the veterinary technician profession. 4. Demonstrate effective communication techniques with veterinary team members and with clients. 5. Explain common safety issues and protocols in veterinary medicine. 6. Provide examples of professional conduct in the workplace. 7. Identify common small animal breeds and common health problems associated with individual breeds. 8. Explain how to apply crisis intervention/grief management skills with clients. Content outline Veterinary Technicians as Vital Team Members Understanding the Education and Credentialing Requirements for CVT’s Lifelong Learning and Professional Organizations Veterinary Team Members Practice Design/Veterinary Facilities Laws and Ethics Safety in the Veterinary Practice Zoonotic Diseases Canines Felines Team Leadership Geriatric and Hospice Care Human Animal Bond Bereavement and Euthanasia Burnout and Compassion Fatigue Required materials Required textbook.

BI 202:一般植物学


成绩单标题一般植物学学分4年级模式标准信学分联系学时总计60课学时30实验室学时30推荐准备至少一门生物课程(BI 101, 102, 103, 211, 212, 213)。研究植物解剖,人类与植物的相互作用,特别是在进化框架内的植物分类学。重点介绍在俄勒冈州中部常见的开花植物科和使用分类学密钥进行鉴定。学习成果1。使用技术植物学术语,识别和交流植物的营养和植物特性,这对描述和分类植物很重要。2.采用独立和合作的方法,如二分法,来识别植物。3.使用适当的技术和伦理来收集当地植物标本进行研究。4. Apply human historical and cultural connections with plants to nutritional, medicinal, and aesthetic human needs and communicate these ideas orally, visually, and in writing. 5. Recognize major concepts in botany and differentiate evidence-based scientific botanical knowledge from non-scientific botanical claims. Content outline Botanical nomenclature Major plant groups: mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants Vegetative, floral, and fruit anatomy Monocots compared to dicots Dichotomous keys Identification of unknown plants Survey of common plant families in Central Oregon Plant specimen collecting and herbarium techniques Characteristics of common plant families Plant co-evolution with animals: pollination and seed dispersal Evolutionary origin of plants Ethnobotany Economic botany Required materials Course may require textbook, coursepack, hand lens, plant press. General education/Related instruction lists Science Lab



















