






记录标题市场学原理我学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时40小时40推荐准备英航101讲座。课程描述发展技能的理解和发展战略的营销环境。覆盖的原理和技术市场研究、消费者行为、产品开发、定价、分销和促销。建立了创建一个营销计划的基础。课程学习成果1。能够管理时间,满足最后期限,适当准备会议。2。描述了营销计划过程和一般的营销策略。3所示。开发一个营销组合,在不同的竞争环境和不同的经济条件。 4. Conduct market research and relate that information to the design of the marketing mix. 5. Relate changes in the macro-environment to their impact on marketing strategies. 6. Write a competitive analysis describing the competition’s weaknesses and strengths from a marketing standpoint as well as describing marketing opportunities. 7. Develop a marketing mix that aligns with consumer buying patterns and the product life cycle. 8. Differentiate between consumer and business markets and how each is segmented. 9. Write a descriptive profile of a targeted consumer market that includes the use of Tapestry or VALS type segmentation tools. 10. Describe branding and packaging as parts of a marketing strategy. 11. Develop pricing strategies for different market segments. 12. Develop and apply criteria for selecting a distribution strategy. 13. Give examples of the promotional mix and how it is used in marketing. 14. Describe the various types of advertising media and their appropriate uses. 15. Analyze websites for marketing effectiveness. Content outline Marketing Overview Market Strategies Analyzing the Market Environment Consumer Behavior Market Segmentation and Positioning Market Research Branding Product Development and Services Pricing Supply Chain Management Retailing Integrated Marketing Communications Advertising and Sales Promotions Social Media Ethics Required materials Required textbook.






记录标题业务研讨会学分成绩总联络信3分级模式标准小时30小时讲座30先决条件英航206;英航113;英航220;英航223。课程描述英航290是所有专门化的总结性课程相关联的业务应用科学学位。对学生来说是一个机会来展示他们所学到的会计、管理、金融、市场营销和业务。它还允许演示沟通和技术技能的机会。最终的结果将是一个巨大的样本的工作组合,学生可以使用在求职或进步。当然,这是一个动手skills-oriented。课程学习成果1。 Demonstrate a working knowledge of all aspects of business, including, but not limited to management, marketing, human relations, accounting, and financial management. 2. Adapt the knowledge gained from the business curriculum to a thorough company analysis. 3. Demonstrate the ability to work cohesively as a team member in a realistic managerial atmosphere. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of typical business reports and financial data. 5. Transfer the knowledge gained from reports and financial data to a sound decision-making process. 6. Compile and deliver a presentation using PowerPoint or other state-of-the-art programs. 7. Illustrate comprehension of strategic and tactical planning and how they are used in typical business decision making processes. 8. Show the ability to fully comprehend how businesses operate in competitive marketplaces and the global environment. Content outline Research Company Career Countdown Industry and Competitive Analysis Marketing Plan – The Four P's Financial Analysis SWOT Analysis Required materials No required materials.



标题网络营销信用记录成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时40小时40推荐准备英航223讲座。课程描述的基础上从英航223营销概念,本课程开发营销技巧在定价、促销和分销策略在使用互联网。设计和内容开发邮件,网站和社交媒体营销基于消费行为的理解也将覆盖。额外的主题包括网站优化以及如何使用分析工具,将决定网络营销工作的有效性。注意:本课程不包括HTML编程。课程学习成果1。比较和对比网络营销媒体相关促销组合。2。撰写相关内容的网站、社交媒体和电子邮件活动。3所示。 Evaluate the effectiveness of website design and content. 4. Identify basic coding elements in order to analyze search engine optimization criteria. 5. Design an email marketing campaign. 6. Construct a social media strategy and select most relevant social media tools. Content outline Internet Marketing Strategy Content Rules Web Design Search Engine Optimization Email Marketing Social Media Required materials Required textbook.



记录标题成绩总联络信品牌学分4评分模式标准小时40小时40推荐准备英航223讲座。课程描述品牌竞争营销策略的一个基本元素。学生将开发技能进行必要的研究为公司开发一个品牌标识和品牌战略。这将包括品牌简单的写作,排版的运用和色彩理论以及创建引人注目的内容为各种接触点加强品牌。课程学习成果1。进行必要的研究建立一个强大的品牌。2。开发一个品牌战略,创造一个品牌简单。3所示。设计品牌的身份使用排版,色彩理论、声音和运动。 4. Describe how touch points reinforce the brand. 5. Create compelling content using both the written word and other media such as images, sound and video that works in varying touch points. 6. Develop strategies for increasing brand equity while growing and managing the brand over time. Content outline Branding Strategy Idea Generation Brandmarks Brand Identity Process Signage Packaging Copywriting Managing Assets Required materials Required textbook.



记录标题营销研究学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时40小时40推荐准备英航223讲座。学分课程描述有效的营销研究对现代商业的发展至关重要。营销观念是,根据定义,客户驱动的。没有一个准确和完整的评估客户的需要和要求,业务风险增加。市场研究已成为21世纪商业卓越的驱动力。本课程将探讨最好的方法确认战略举措之前战术资产。营销研究提供了制定战略的关键和必要的输入和发展商业模式。课程学习成果1。识别和描述市场研究的主要类型用于制造营销决策,包括小学、中学、定性和定量研究。2。 Evaluate various research study objectives, which may include sales, market, and environment trends, new product opportunities, brand awareness, new market emergence, competitor activities, and customer behavior, buying patterns, preferences, and satisfaction levels. 3. Design a research study to meet a selected marketing research objective. 4. Employ ethical research methods to collect data. 5. Analyze and interpret research data in order to draw a conclusion and make a marketing decision. Content outline Value of Marketing Research Types of Research Defining Market Problems Data Collection Data Validation Data Methodologies Data Organization Data Analysis Data Presentation Required materials No required materials.



记录标题广告学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时40小时40推荐准备英航223讲座。课程描述本课程开发的原则和技术的理解必须创建一个广告业务重点是促进营销组合的组件。检查广告的方式适合企业营销的计划。还讨论了广告和与其他促销活动的关系。包括一个全面的考虑使用不同的媒体选择和广告活动的计划。还包括一些基本的关于广告的设计和印刷复制。包括在现实生活中的广告宣传工作。课程学习成果1。比较和对比广告媒体选择促销组合的一部分。2。 Analyze the advertising problem, target audience, and desired message in order to select the appropriate advertising media. 3. Evaluate the design, content and overall message of advertisements. 4. Describe the process of creating television, radio and print advertisements. 5. Construct an advertising budget. 6. Identify and explain goals and strategies when hiring agencies and freelance designers to accomplish advertising objectives. Content outline Marketing Mix/IMC Basics Branding Regulatory and Ethical Considerations Market Segmentation/Target Marketing Consumer/Buyer Behavior Messaging Design Messaging Strategies, Appeals and Frameworks Media: TV, Radio, Print, Internet Marketing/Social Media, Nontraditional-Support Media Direct Marketing Sales Promotion Public Relations Marketing budgeting Measuring your marketing/results Required materials Required textbook.



记录标题零售业学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时40小时40推荐准备英航223讲座。课程描述开发技能在零售环境中理解和发展战略。探讨了零售行业包括存储位置、布局、展示、商品选择、库存和运营控制和提升。包括参观当地的零售商店。课程学习成果1。能够管理自己的时间,满足期限和适当的准备会议。2。描述了不同类别的零售商和对零售市场的影响。3所示。进行零售竞争分析。 4. Develop a retail strategy for different customer profiles. 5. Develop a merchandising / inventory management plan. 6. Describe basic concepts of display design. 7. Analyze a retail store in regards to layout, displays, traffic flow and merchandising relative to customer shopping behaviors. 8. Conduct a location analysis on an existing retail site. 9. Use financial statements in making retail decisions. 10. Develop an advertising plan and promotion budget for a retail season. 11. Analyze retail web sites for effectiveness and customer satisfaction. Content outline Types of Retailers Multichannel Retailing/Customer Buying Behavior Retail Market Strategy/Financial Strategy Retail Locations/Retail Site Location Human Resource Management/ Info Systems – Supply Chain Management Customer Relationship Management/Managing the Merchandise Planning Buying Merchandise/Retail Pricing Retail Communication Mix Retail Store Design and Displays Field work Managing the Store/Store layout, Design and Visual Merchandising Required materials Required textbook and online access.



记录标题消费者行为学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时40小时40推荐准备英航223讲座。课程描述本课程探讨了消费者购买行为的决定因素和消费者使用做出购买决定的过程。研究包括心理和社会学的原则及其对购买行为的影响。理解这些行为和购买过程是用来帮助设计营销策略。课程学习成果1。描述了购物流程消费者购买产品和服务时使用。2。相关特性在消费者眼中的好处。3所示。解释了文化和社会的影响对消费者行为的影响。 4. Relate motivation principles to consumer behavior. 5. Conduct research to investigate consumer attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. 6. Apply knowledge of consumer behavior patterns to the design of the marketing mix. 7. Develop different positioning strategies for different target markets and behavior patterns. Content outline Consumer Value Perception Consumer Comprehension Consumer Motivation Consumer Personality Consumer Attitudes Consumer Group Influences Consumer Culture Situational Influences Consumer Decision Making Post-Consumption Consumer Relationships Marketing Misbehaviors Required materials Required textbook.







