
SUS 101可持续发展概论(4学分)



SUS 101:可持续发展概论


成绩单标题可持续发展概论学分4学分模式标准信分接触时数共计40课时数40描述探讨可持续发展的环境、社会和经济层面。定义和应用可持续发展的基本原则,以解决当今最紧迫的环境和社会挑战。培养对个人行为如何影响社区和全球健康的理解。通过整合来自公共卫生、生物学、自然资源、社会学和经济学等课程的教师,从多学科的角度来解决可持续性问题。包括4小时的校外服务学习。1.学习成果定义可持续性并解释环境、社会和经济系统之间的相互联系。2.可持续发展成果:使用系统思维方法分析我们这个时代的主要环境、社会和经济挑战以及潜在的解决方案。3. Engage in critical discussion about the impact of human behaviors on natural systems. 4. Evaluate the sustainability of individual and collective actions on a local and global scale. 5. Sustainability outcome: Apply principles of sustainability to the development of personal values and professional goals. 6. Explain the relationship between human behavior and/or conditions and health. Content outline Foundations of sustainability: defining and measuring sustainability; Systems Thinking; history of the sustainability movement Geographic perspectives: climate change; current status and future predictions Ecological perspectives: the biosphere and natural systems; energy transfer; ecosystem services Energy issues: fossil fuels; renewable energy; conservation as resource Consumerism: environmental and social impacts; reduce, reuse, and recycle Food and agriculture: environmental and social impacts of agriculture; food sovereignty Environmental ethics: the global commons; the Land Ethic; indigenous perspectives Natural resource management: principles, practices, and policies Social justice: Native American assimilation; The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs; connections between social and environmental sustainability Social perspectives: defining social problems and exploring social movements Economic perspectives: balancing planet, people, and profit; corporate social responsibility Required materials None. General education/Related instruction lists Social Science

SUS 210:创建更可持续的社会


成绩单标题创建一个可持续发展的社会学分4年级模式标准信等级接触时间共计40课时40推荐备课SUS 101或SUS 102或SUS 103。使学生能够行动,无论是个人还是集体,努力创造一个更可持续的世界。具体议题包括气候变化、空气和水污染、自然资源利用以及粮食和农业问题。采用多学科和系统思考的方法来实现可持续性,优先考虑实施可操作的解决方案。1.学习成果可持续发展成果:使用多学科和系统思维方法分析我们这个时代的主要环境、社会和经济挑战以及潜在的解决方案。2.可持续发展成果:将可持续发展原则应用于个人价值观和职业目标的发展。3.分析与可持续性相关的特定问题相关的所有利益相关者。 4. Create sustainable solutions to environmental, social, and economic problems based on peer-reviewed research. 5. Evaluate visual media for accuracy, validity and possible biases. Content outline Review of sustainability definitions and topics. Sustainability ethics, rationale for caring. Overview of organizations involved in sustainability work (global, national, local). Library research methods. Mapping, cartographic methods. Tragedy of the commons, problems and solutions. Sustainable societal design, problems and solutions. Water scarcity and conservation, problems and solutions. Food security and sustainability, problems and solutions. Writing a persuasive letter, making a persuasive argument. Final written and oral student presentations. Required materials All required course readings will be provided. General education/Related instruction lists Social Science







