
DA 134牙科放射学I(3学分)




DA 134:牙科放射学I


成绩单标题牙科放射学I学分3年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计30课学时30必修科目DA 110, DA 115, DA 125, DA 145。描述探索放射照相的基本原理,辐射的历史和辐射物理学的介绍。还包括辐射的生物效应,为患者和操作者的安全和舒适。介绍了射线照相装置和牙科x光片。参见DA 115牙科辅助课程先决条件。学习成果描述辐射的历史并找出重要的先驱。2.解释牙科x光片的重要性和用途。3. Recognize the fundamental concepts of radiation physics. 4. Illustrate the components of the x-ray machine and explain how x-rays are produced. 5. Explain the radiation characteristics of x-ray beam quality, x-ray beam quantity and x-ray beam intensity. 6. Summarize radiation injury, radiation effects, radiation measurements and radiation risks. 7. Outline the guidelines for patient and operator protection. 8. Identify and differentiate between a variety of dental film-holders and devices. 9. Identify and classify the various types and the composition of dental x-ray film. 10. Demonstrate film placement for a full mouth series of films. 11. Demonstrate the exposure sequence for a full mouth series of film.




DA 135:牙科放射学II


成绩单标题牙科放射学II学分4年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计60课学时20其他学时40先决条件DA 134。要求DA 120, DA 130, DA 151, DA 181, DA 190。描述集中在DA 134 -牙科放射学I期间获得的知识和技能的整合,作为学生从放射学的教学研究过渡到实验室和临床应用。在实验室人体模型和临床患者上使用各种图像受体达到预定能力水平的诊断暴露技术的性能。射线图像的曝光和技术错误的解释,解剖标志,修复,牙科材料和疾病。注重临床患者管理,使用人际交往技能和患者教育,同时坚持适当的感染控制协议。学习成果在成人人体模型上暴露、处理、安装和评估至少三个全口放射片系列,包括尖周和咬翼技术,达到预定的能力水平。2.暴露、处理、安装和评估至少一个全口放射片系列,包括尖周和咬翼技术,在混合牙列假人上达到预定的能力水平。 3. Expose, process, mount and evaluate digitally a minimum of two full-mouth radiographic series comprised of periapical and bitewing techniques, on a manikin to a predetermined level of competence. 4. Expose, process, mount and evaluate a minimum of three full-mouth radiographic series, comprised of periapical and bitewing techniques, on a variety of patients to a predetermined level of competence. 5. Identify and interpret exposure and technique errors on a variety of radiographic films and determine how to correct them. 6. Describe the infection control procedures that are necessary before, during and after radiation exposure. 7. Discuss the major legal issues associated with dental radiography. 8. Describe methods of patient management using interpersonal skills and education. 9. Identify and interpret anatomic landmarks on a variety of radiographs, including periapical, bitewing, occlusal and panoramic films. 10. Identify and interpret a wide array of restorations, dental materials and dental diseases on a variety of radiographic films. 11. Expose a diagnostic panoramic film on an x-ray manikin. 12. Identify and interpret anatomic landmarks on a panoramic x-ray film. 13. Demonstrate a basic understanding of extra-oral imaging including cone- beam computed tomography and cephalometric techniques.

DA 110:基本牙科辅助


成绩单标题基础牙科辅助学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系学时总计60课学时20其他学时40必修科目DA 115, DA 125, DA 134, DA 145。通过讲座、讨论、示范、实验室活动和现场诊所参观,对牙科辅助专业进行总体概述。包括检查牙科专业、绘制图表和收集数据、记录生命体征、四手牙科和设备的使用和维护。实验室部分给予学生初步的技能,为临床经验领域的仪器识别和转移,口腔排出和使用空气-水注射器。由职业安全和健康管理局、俄勒冈州牙科委员会和疾病控制和预防中心建立的感染控制协议将得到实施。参见DA 115牙科辅助课程先决条件。学习成果解释提供牙科护理的法律和道德特征。2.演示感染控制程序,以保护患者和牙科工作人员免受血源性病原体的感染。 3. Show how to safely provide assisting skills during all aspects of dental healthcare. 4. Prepare thorough chart notes for patient dental treatment to reduce risk of litigation. 5. Explain the methods of maintaining patient autonomy including informed consent and HIPAA regulations.

DA 125:牙齿感染控制


成绩单标题牙科感染控制学分3年级模式标准信件等级接触学时总计60其他学时60辅项DA 110, DA 115, DA 134, DA 145。描述涵盖了与牙科诊所相关的感染控制原则,包括微生物学介绍,以及交叉污染和危害控制。课程内容包括OSHA危险传播标准和血源性病原体。无菌技术和感染控制程序将应用于实验室环境,并通过能力进行评估。将处理安全数据表的管理和危险材料的标签。参见DA 115牙科辅助课程先决条件。学习成果讨论牙科环境中感染控制的原则和重要性。2.示范无菌规程和消毒程序在牙科手术中的应用。 3. Show sterilization procedures for dental instruments and armamentarium. 4. Summarize OSHA requirements including the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard and OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard. 5. Describe SDS, the rational for their use, and the required methods for maintaining them. 6. Explain the modes of transmission of pathogenic microorganisms in the environment as well as in the dental office.

DA 145:预防牙科


成绩单标题预防牙科学分3年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计60其他学时60必修课DA 110, DA 115, DA 125, DA 134。描述涵盖牙科预防的组成部分,包括口腔卫生指导、菌斑控制、氟化物治疗、牙科密封剂和牙科病人的饮食注意事项。临床技能包括完成人体模型和学生患者的冠状面抛光序列和氟化托盘治疗。确定在牙科实践中使用氟清漆和硝酸银治疗的优点和缺点。包括与儿科牙科相关的操作和程序的讨论。一个与预防牙科主题相关的顶层服务学习项目将被选择、完成并呈现给全班同学。参见DA 115牙科辅助课程先决条件。学习成果确定、描述并解释牙科预防的以下关键部分的重要性:菌斑控制、患者教育、营养和氟化物治疗。2. Categorize the operation of and the procedures associated with the dental specialties of pediatric dentistry, periodontics and public health dentistry. 3. Design, develop, and present a service learning project related to the topic of preventive dentistry to fellow students and the campus community.

DA 115:牙科科学


成绩单名称牙科科学学分5年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计50授课学时50先决条件AH 105(或基础研究数学列表中的课程);ba214或WR 121;CIS 120或计算机能力测试;HHP 252;选择下列心理学课程之一:PSY 101, PSY 201, PSY 215或PSY 216;从以下人力资源课程中选择一门:AH 115或BA 178或COMM 115或COMM 218或COMM 219。要求DA 110, DA 125, DA 134, DA 145。描述探索以下研究领域:基础解剖学和生理学,头颈部解剖学,牙科胚胎学,口腔组织学,面部和口腔的解剖学和牙齿形态学。学习成果在口头和书面上准确使用牙科术语。 2. Interpret the differences between primary, mixed and adult dentition. 3. Explain the development, form and function of selected structures of the oral cavity. 4. Identify and illustrate key anatomical components of the head and neck. 5. Identify basic elements of body systems and functions most relevant to the dental field

