
G 203第三地质-地球历史(4学分)




G 203:第三地质-地球的历史


记录标题地质三世学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时实验室60小时讲座30小时30推荐G202做准备。课程描述了地球历史上从地球系统的角度包括岩石圈、生物圈、水圈、大气。认为人类和地质世界如何影响对方。第三在序列。课程学习成果1。解释地质学的基本理论和用于构建他们的证据。2。构造地质历史使用科学思维,比如观察和解释和测试假设。3所示。评估风险的人类社会变化在地球的系统中,例如气候变化。 4. Sustainability outcome: Explain the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic systems in the context of geology. 5. Sustainability outcome: Analyze the major environmental, social, and economic challenges and potential solutions of our time using a systems thinking approach. Content outline The scientific process (how scientific knowledge is created) Geologic time, relative dating, absolute dating Stratigraphy and sedimentary environments Fossils and the fossil record Paleogeography and plate tectonics Origin of Earth, life, and evolution Mass extinctions Earth systems history of Central Oregon Human change and the Anthropocene Required materials Field trips often substitute for labs, with options to ensure accessibility for every student. Transportation will be provided. General education/Related instruction lists Science Lab







FR 203:第二年法国三世


记录标题二年级第三法国学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时40课小时40 FR推荐准备202,或一年的IB,美联社法国在高中或初中/高中四年法语。课程描述202年法国继续工作,审查,扩展和完善发音,结构和词汇积极的口头和书面沟通的目的。强调写作和阅读能力。包含了文化、区域和黑话;类教主要是在法国。课程应采取序列。课程学习成果1。叙述和/或描述在目前的2。叙述和/或描述在过去的3。4讨论假设的情况。 Express hopes, desires, and doubts 5. Make suggestions 6. Express opinions 7. Initiate conversation and/or questions 8. In non-technical terms describe, discuss or question the following topics: Current issues and Relationships: friendships, family, society 9. Social Situations – Use language that reflects an understanding of the cultural aspects of social situations (e.g., formal and informal ways of addressing others). 10. Linguistic and Nonverbal Behavior – Begin to understand the cultural messages reflected in linguistic conventions (e.g., various forms of leave taking) and in non-verbal behaviors (e.g., culture specific hand gestures and facial expressions). 11. Begin to recognize cultural differences and nuances between the numerous French-speaking areas of the world (e.g., France as compared with various African French-speaking countries.) General education/Related instruction lists Cultural Literacy Arts and Letters



记录标题二年级第三意大利学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时40小时40推荐准备讲座202;学生以前学习意大利应该联系老师的建议哪个类。课程描述202年意大利继续工作,审查,扩展和完善发音,词汇结构和积极的口头和书面沟通的目的。强调写作和阅读能力。历史文化、区域和整合;课程教学主要在意大利。课程学习成果结果1 -口语/写作1。谈论旅行,旅行计划2。谈论过去的事情,过去3中讲故事。告诉时间,日常工作4。 Placing and making phone calls 5. Making reservations 6. Talking about mass media, distractions Outcome 2 - Reading 1. You will be able to scan the following for gist to identify some pertinent information on demand: signs, lists, notes, schedules, directions, short passages, and basic dialogue 2. Recognize distinctions expressed by written conventions (e.g. accent marks, special letters, and punctuation marks) 3. Recognize distinctions expressed by written conventions (e.g. accent marks, special letters, and punctuation marks) 4. Recognize cognates in written communications 5. Follow basic instructions Outcome 3 – Culture 1. Learn about the different regions of Italy. 2. Italian food, and eating habits of Italians 3. Linguistic and Nonverbal Behavior – Understand the cultural messages reflected in linguistic conventions and in non-verbal behaviors. 4. Different dialects, accents and pronunciations in Italy 5. Italians and technology Outcome 4 Listening 1. You will be able to recognize familiar words and very basic phrases concerning themselves, their family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly. Outcome 5- Spoken Interaction 1. You will be able to ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics. General education/Related instruction lists Cultural Literacy Arts and Letters



实验室G202第二地质——地球表面4 Discipl螺栓科学实验室G203年




