
DA 120高级牙科辅助(4学分)





DA 120:高级牙科辅助


成绩单标题高级牙科辅助学分4等级模式标准字母等级联系时数共60课时30实验时数30先决条件DA 110。辅助性DA 130, DA 135, DA 151, DA 181, DA 190。描述:DA 110课程的延续,加深学生对牙科辅助专业的认识。包括讲座,幻灯片演示,视频,讨论,演示和实验室参与。涵盖了先进的牙科辅助技能的牙坝安置和程序涉及的牙髓专科,牙周病和口腔外科。还包括扩大功能,如冠状抛光,缝合去除和坑和裂隙密封剂根据俄勒冈州牙科委员会。学习成果1。解释在病人护理过程中使用牙科堤坝的基本原理,并演示堤坝在病人身上的安全放置。2.解释用于确定牙齿根管治疗需要的测试,并为程序设置设备和仪器。 3. Analyze case studies and examine a radiograph, to determine which oral surgery set up is needed for the various types of oral surgical procedures. 4. Show competency in assisting with endodontic treatment and a variety of oral surgical dental procedures. 5. Describe the options a patient has for replacing missing teeth, including the benefits and drawbacks of each type. 6. Demonstrate pre-clinical competency in assisting during fixed prosthodontic treatment, including preliminary and final impressions. Content outline A. Dental Dam B. Endodontics C. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery D. Suture Removal E. Fixed Prosthodontics F. Initial Charting G. Basic Orthodontic Skills Required materials Requires a textbook, workbook and course packet.






成绩单标题牙科材料I学分4等级模式标准字母等级接触时数共60讲课时数20其他时数40必备DA 120, DA 135, DA 151, DA 181, DA 190。检查汞合金和复合材料的性能。提供在椅子边协助的技能,在放置Tofflemire矩阵,汞合金修复,和复合修复的dexter。提供讲座和实验室操作材料的经验,如藻酸盐印模材料拍摄印模,石膏产品浇铸。包括制造定制的甲基丙烯酸甲酯压印托盘,光固化托盘,和真空形成漂白剂托盘。涵盖浇筑模型,修剪诊断铸造,并采取咬登记。第二学期牙科辅助计划的先决条件见DA 120。学习成果1。放置Tofflemire基质保持器用于复合材料和汞合金修复。2. Demonstrate the ability to assist in the placement of amalgam and composite procedures on a dexter mannequin. 3. Take occlusal bite registrations. 4. Show competence in taking alginate impressions on peers. 5. Exhibit proper pouring and trimming techniques for diagnostic casts.

DA 135:牙科放射学II


成绩单标题牙科放射学II学分4等级模式标准字母等级联系时数总计60课时20其他时数40先决条件DA 134。辅食DA 120, DA 130, DA 151, DA 181, DA 190。重点是在DA 134 -牙科放射学I期间获得的知识和技能的整合作为学生从放射学的教学研究到实验室和临床应用过渡。在实验室人体模型和临床患者上使用各种图像受体达到预定能力水平的诊断暴露技术的性能。解释射线图像的曝光和技术错误,解剖标志,修复,牙科材料和疾病。注重临床患者管理,运用人际交往技巧和患者教育,同时遵守适当的感染控制协议。学习成果1。在成人人体模型上暴露、加工、安装和评估至少三个全口放射摄影系列,包括尖周和咬翼技术,达到预定的能力水平。2.在混合牙列人体模型上暴露,加工,安装和评估一个包含尖周和咬翼技术的至少一个全口放射摄影系列,以达到预定的能力水平。 3. Expose, process, mount and evaluate digitally a minimum of two full-mouth radiographic series comprised of periapical and bitewing techniques, on a manikin to a predetermined level of competence. 4. Expose, process, mount and evaluate a minimum of three full-mouth radiographic series, comprised of periapical and bitewing techniques, on a variety of patients to a predetermined level of competence. 5. Identify and interpret exposure and technique errors on a variety of radiographic films and determine how to correct them. 6. Describe the infection control procedures that are necessary before, during and after radiation exposure. 7. Discuss the major legal issues associated with dental radiography. 8. Describe methods of patient management using interpersonal skills and education. 9. Identify and interpret anatomic landmarks on a variety of radiographs, including periapical, bitewing, occlusal and panoramic films. 10. Identify and interpret a wide array of restorations, dental materials and dental diseases on a variety of radiographic films. 11. Expose a diagnostic panoramic film on an x-ray manikin. 12. Identify and interpret anatomic landmarks on a panoramic x-ray film. 13. Demonstrate a basic understanding of extra-oral imaging including cone- beam computed tomography and cephalometric techniques.

DA 151:牙科计算


成绩单标题牙科计算学分2等级模式标准字母等级接触时数总计20讲课时数20必备DA 120, DA 130, DA 135, DA 181, DA 190。计算机是当今牙科诊所不可或缺的一部分。它们已成为管理病人牙科记录、预约安排、制图、处理保险索赔和建立财务安排的首选方法。计算机系统允许生成报告、患者陈述、专业和患者通信、治疗计划和服务费。本课程旨在为学员提供成功完成这些前台工作所需的培训。第二学期牙科辅助计划的先决条件见DA 120。学习成果1。生成患者财务报表。2.在制图时区分完成的程序和需要的程序。 3. Determine necessary patient information and enter it into the computing program. 4. Create and manage patient ledgers, including credits and payments. 5. Design patient appointment scheduling to increase patient acceptance. 6. Produce periodontal charts for patients.



成绩单标题牙科研讨会I学分1等级模式及格/不及格等级接触时数总共10课时10必备DA 120, DA 130, DA 135, DA 151, DA 190。讨论实习的各个方面。将安排代表牙科专业和替代牙科就业可能性的嘉宾发言。学生将与老师和同学分享与工作相关的经验。解决就业机会,完成工作申请,和面试技巧。第二学期牙科协助的先决条件见DA 120。P / NP评分。学习成果1。参加适当的课堂活动和讨论。2.参与冬季实习的讨论,与同学老师分享经验。 3. Listen attentively and courteously to fellow students and guest speakers. 4. Comment on the guest speakers and submit a written evaluation of their presentation.

DA 190:牙科辅助实习I


成绩单标题牙科辅助实习1学分1-5等级模式及格/不及格等级接触时数总计30-150其他时数30-150必备DA 120, DA 130, DA 135, DA 151, DA 181。在COCC牙科和放射诊所以及各种社区外展设施现场进行的监督、无报酬的学习体验。为学生提供在临床环境中清晰地表现能力的机会。每个学分相当于在临床环境中学习30小时。第二学期牙科辅助计划的先决条件见DA 120。P / NP评分。学习成果1。应用理论和临床前技能获得秋季学期的病人护理情况发现在各自的实习牙科办公室。2.视实习经历为受雇,承担受雇牙科助理的职责和责任。 3. Provide accurate and detailed records of the practicum experience, including the following: dates, days and times of attendance; detailed accounts of observed and performed clinical procedures; weekly reflective journal entries of their experience in the dental office. 4. Respectfully and confidentially participate in active sharing of their practicum experience with the instructor and their fellow classmates during the weekly seminar class. 5. Evaluate and summarize both the positive and negative aspects of the practicum experience.






成绩单标题齿科学分5等级模式标准字母等级联系时数总共50讲座时数50先决条件AH 105(或从基础研究数学列表的课程);BA 214或WR 121;CIS 120或计算机能力测试;水马力252;选择以下心理学课程之一:PSY 101、PSY 201、PSY 215或PSY 216;从以下HR课程中选择一门:AH 115或BA 178或COMM 115或COMM 218或COMM 219。辅食DA 110, DA 125, DA 134, DA 145。主要研究方向:基本解剖学与生理学、头颈部解剖学、口腔胚胎学、口腔组织学、面部和口腔解剖学、牙齿形态学。学习成果1。在口头和书面上准确应用牙科命名法。 2. Interpret the differences between primary, mixed and adult dentition. 3. Explain the development, form and function of selected structures of the oral cavity. 4. Identify and illustrate key anatomical components of the head and neck. 5. Identify basic elements of body systems and functions most relevant to the dental field

DA 199:选定主题:牙科辅助



DA 299:选定主题:牙科辅助



