
BA 220商业分析与预算(4学分)


建议准备:独联体125 e



BA 220:业务分析和预算


成绩单标题商业分析预算学分4评分方式标准信件评分总接触时数50授课时数30其他时数20先决条件BA 104;Ba 112;CIS 131。推荐制剂CIS 125E。本课程旨在培养经理或销售人员在执行日常任务时的数学分析技能。本课程有三个重点:加强理解和使用与金融信息有关的商业术语;开发电子表格技能,评估产品和服务的成本计算、定价和融资策略;发展评估和制定预算、财务和投资决策的技能。这是一门以实践和技能为导向的课程。课程学习成果 Manage time, meet deadlines, and be properly prepared to be fully engaged in course discussions. 2. Develop problem-solving techniques to determine the reasonableness and accuracy of solutions. 3. Determine the profitability of products and services using various purchasing, inventory, and pricing strategies. 4. Analyze financial statements from an operational standpoint using key ratios. 5. Select appropriate lending and borrowing strategies using compound interest and loan payment amounts. 6. Evaluate investment decisions based on present and future cash flows using net present value. 7. Prepare an annual cash budget on a month-by-month basis and justify the assumptions made within that budget. 8. Project future operational costs and develop pro-forma income statements. 9. Determine sales volume requirements for break-even and targeted profit points. 10. Conduct “what-if” analysis with market variables used in decision making. Content outline Excel review Percent/ratios/proportions Simple Interest Compound Interest/FV/PV Mortgages Consumer loan payments Net Present Value NPV Internal Rate of return - IRR Percents and Discounts Chain and Cash Discounts Cash Flows Budgeting Budget Variance Financial Statement Analysis Section 9 Budgeting and Goal Seek Break-Even Analysis and Weighted Averages Master Budget Required materials Required textbook and specified calculator.






成绩单标题商务研讨会学分3评分方式标准信件评分总接触时数30授课时数30先决条件BA 206;Ba 113;Ba 220;BA 223。BA 290是商业应用科学副学士所有专业的顶峰课程。这是一个学生展示他们在会计、管理、财务、市场营销和运营领域所学知识的机会。它还为展示沟通和技术技能提供了机会。最终的结果将是一个很好的工作样本,学生可以在寻求就业或晋升时使用。这是一门以实践和技能为导向的课程。课程学习成果 Demonstrate a working knowledge of all aspects of business, including, but not limited to management, marketing, human relations, accounting, and financial management. 2. Adapt the knowledge gained from the business curriculum to a thorough company analysis. 3. Demonstrate the ability to work cohesively as a team member in a realistic managerial atmosphere. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of typical business reports and financial data. 5. Transfer the knowledge gained from reports and financial data to a sound decision-making process. 6. Compile and deliver a presentation using PowerPoint or other state-of-the-art programs. 7. Illustrate comprehension of strategic and tactical planning and how they are used in typical business decision making processes. 8. Show the ability to fully comprehend how businesses operate in competitive marketplaces and the global environment. Content outline Research Company Career Countdown Industry and Competitive Analysis Marketing Plan – The Four P's Financial Analysis SWOT Analysis Required materials No required materials.







