
PHM 110药学计算(3学分)



建议准备:m 015(或更高)或至少安排数学7级。



PHM 110:药学计算


成绩单标题药学计算学分3年级模式标准信级联系学时总计30课学时30前提条件PHM 100和PHM 120。条件PHM 130, PHM 140, PHM 145。推荐准备MTH 015(或更高)或至少安置数学7级。回顾与药学技术员职责相关的数学知识。涵盖重量、测量和温度系统以及系统之间的转换。强调计算剂量、药物数量或体积、静脉流速、百分比浓度和与药物剂量相关的比例机制所需的技能。介绍零售定价和会计。学习成果1。计算与用药有关的剂量。2. Calculate medication amount to dispense for a specific dose. 3. Calculate concentrate and diluent amount needed for a stock dilution compound. 4. Calculate age- and weight-specific drug doses or dose range when given recommended dose information. 5. Calculate business application needs. Content outline Ratio, percent, and proportion Prescription and medication order literacy Measurement conversions Calculating doses for oral and injectable medications, both non-sterile and sterile Conducting business operations, including calculations for: Percent markup Percent profit Overhead Profit Gross profit Percentage of average wholesale price Capitation Days’ supply of inventory Inventory maintenance ordering with minimums and maximums Required materials This course may require a textbook and/or software (same as other PHM courses). General education/Related instruction lists Computation




PHM 181:药学技师研讨会


成绩单标题药学技师研习班学分2年级模式及格/不及格联系学时总计20课学时20前提条件PHM 110, PHM 130和PHM 140。PHM 190。准备药剂师国家认证考试。涵盖了就业机会、简历撰写、完成工作申请和面试技巧。P / NP评分。学习成果1。创建就业文件,如简历、求职信和申请。2.树立有效的面试行为。3. Summarize the test standards and information needed to pass the national pharmacy technician certification exam. Content outline Journal entries for each week of practicum-explaining how the week went, what was learned, what students enjoyed/didn't enjoy, etc. National exam (PTCE) prep Resume writing/cover letter workshop Interviewing skills workshop Required materials No materials required.

PHM 130:药理学II


成绩单标题药理学II学分5年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计50课学时50必修科目PHM 110, PHM 140, PHM 145。继续介绍用于预防和治疗各种疾病实体的常用处方药的商标和通用名称。强调重要的禁忌症,副作用,预防措施,药物相互作用和药物使用审查的过程。提供药理学分类和可能影响药物动力学的因素。学习成果1。认识到药理学中贡献者和事件的重要性,以及监管药物的联邦法律。2.描述药代动力学过程,描述药物有益和有害作用的术语,以及药物相互作用。3.描述受体在体内的作用,常见的药物相互作用,以及正确用药的“权利”。 4. Explain components of a prescription, common dosage forms, routes of administration, factors that influence effects of drugs, and the role of the pharmacy technician. 5. Identify therapeutic effects, side effects, contraindications, and administration routes of the following drug classes: gastrointestinal drugs, renal system drugs, cardiovascular drugs, muscle and joint drugs, hormonal disorders, topical, ophthalmic, and otic medications, cancer and chemotherapy drugs, vitamins, electrolytes, nutrition, antidotes, and bioterrorism. Content outline Respiratory system and drug therapy Gastrointestinal system and drug therapy Endocrine system and drug therapy Reproductive system and drug therapy Renal system and drug therapy Immune system, bacterial infections, fungal infections and drug therapy Immune system, viral infections and drug therapy Required materials Textbook required.

PHM 140:药学技师实践II


成绩单标题药学技术实践II学分5年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计50课学时50必修科目PHM 110, PHM 130, PHM 145。教授协助药剂师提供药品和服务所需的信息、技术和程序。涵盖社区、机构和其他实践设置中的药学方面。强调药剂技术员的职责和责任。学习成果1。在职位、法律和行业道德的范围内履行药学技术员的职责。2.应用为社区、机构和其他药学实践设置的性能和安全标准。3.执行与收集患者信息、保护患者机密、将处方订单转录到计算机数据库、处理保险索赔、配药和维护药品库存相关的记录保存功能。 4. Identify over-the-counter drugs, medical supplies, drug dosage forms, and routes of administration within the scope of the pharmacy technician responsibilities. 5. Use appropriate medical terms, abbreviations, and symbols essential to prescribing, dispensing, administering, and charting medications correctly and precisely. 6. Perform sterile and nonsterile compounding operations. Content outline The business of community pharmacy Extemporaneous, non-sterile compounding Hospital pharmacy dispensing Infection control, aseptic technique, and cleanroom facilities Sterile and hazardous compounding Medication safety Professional performance, communication and ethics Future in pharmacy practice Required materials Textbook required.

PHM 145:药学技术员实验室II


成绩单标题药学技师实验室II学分2年级模式标准信等级联系学时总计40其他学时40必修科目PHM 110, PHM 130, PHM 140。提供静脉药物制备,无菌配制,计算和维护药物库存的实际经验。学习成果1。执行手洗,衣服和罩清洁。2.在无尘室工作时,使用无菌技术准备肠外药物。3.完成药房技术员的医院设置任务,包括给药,维持药品库存,准备静脉注射药物。4.从医生或药剂师处计算患者用药剂量。 5. Assess floor stock. 6. Prepare oral syringes accurately. 7. Perform medication and crash cart filling. Content outline Sterile compounding Proper PPE garbing, hand washing, hood cleaning Hazardous compounding Cart fill Crash cart Automated pyxis machine Required materials Textbook required.



...数学在社会中的作用4使计算成为现实榜单110药学计算3 Rel Instr计算...

