
PHM 100药学技师实习I(5学分)


建议准备:m 015(或更高)或至少安排数学7级;或者说是065(或更高)或英航214)或最少修读文员/通讯员第7级;而且105年毕



PHM 100:药学技师实践I


成绩单标题药学技师实习1学分5年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计50课学时50必修PHM 115, PHM 120。推荐准备MTH 015(或更高)或至少安排数学7级;WR 065(或更高或ba214)或最低职位WR /Comm Level 7;BI 105。介绍协助药剂师提供药品和服务所需的信息、技术和程序。探索社区、机构和其他实践设置中的药学方面。涵盖影响药学实践的监管机构、法律和伦理。探索就业机会,解释和处理处方,药学法律,实践标准,和技能所需的药学技术员。学习成果在职位、法律和行业道德的范围内定义药学技术员的职责。 2. Define performance and safety standards established for the community, institution, and other pharmacy practice settings. 3. Locate over-the-counter drugs, medical supplies, drug dosage forms, and routes of administration within the scope of the pharmacy technician responsibilities. 4. Describe appropriate medical terms, abbreviations, and symbols essential to prescribing, dispensing, administering, and charting medications correctly and precisely. 5. Illustrate accurate calculations required for weighing ingredients and preparing non-sterile preparations. 6. Summarize how to find days supply for insurance claims. 7. Explain how to determine inventory and purchasing needs, profit margins, and inventory control. 8. Explain the steps for accurate conversions between measurement systems. Content outline Profession of pharmacy Pharmacy law, regulations, ethics, and standards Drug and supplement development Pharmacy terminology I Pharmacy terminology II Introduction of pharmacology Routes and administration of medications Pharmacy measurements and calculations Community pharmacy dispensing Healthcare and prescription drug insurance Required materials Required textbook, computer, and internet access.




PHM 110:药学计算


成绩单标题药学计算学分3年级模式标准信级联系学时总计30课学时30前提条件PHM 100和PHM 120。条件PHM 130, PHM 140, PHM 145。推荐准备MTH 015(或更高)或至少安置数学7级。回顾与药学技术员职责相关的数学知识。涵盖重量、测量和温度系统以及系统之间的转换。强调计算剂量、药物数量或体积、静脉流速、百分比浓度和与药物剂量相关的比例机制所需的技能。介绍零售定价和会计。学习成果计算与用药有关的剂量。2. Calculate medication amount to dispense for a specific dose. 3. Calculate concentrate and diluent amount needed for a stock dilution compound. 4. Calculate age- and weight-specific drug doses or dose range when given recommended dose information. 5. Calculate business application needs. Content outline Ratio, percent, and proportion Prescription and medication order literacy Measurement conversions Calculating doses for oral and injectable medications, both non-sterile and sterile Conducting business operations, including calculations for: Percent markup Percent profit Overhead Profit Gross profit Percentage of average wholesale price Capitation Days’ supply of inventory Inventory maintenance ordering with minimums and maximums Required materials This course may require a textbook and/or software (same as other PHM courses). General education/Related instruction lists Computation

PHM 115:零售模拟实验室


成绩单标题药剂学技师实验室一学分2年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计40其他学时40必修PHM 100, PHM 120。在药物制备、配药、计算和业务应用方面的实践经验补充讲课。学习成果使用美国药典和其他药学参考文本为成功的药学实践和管理。2.确定药品强制管理局编号的有效性。3.检查病人资料,处方表格,准确填写处方。4.准确处理患者数据、新处方和续药以及第三方索赔。 5. Create simlulated tablets, capsules, suspensions, creams, ointments, gels, and pastes. Content outline Non-sterile compounding Retail simulation Prescription processing Filling/dispensing prescriptions Required materials Textbook required.

PHM 120:药理学I


成绩单标题药理学I学分5年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计50课学时50必修PHM 100。介绍用于预防和治疗各种疾病实体的常用处方药的商标和通用名称。强调药物的重要禁忌症、副作用、注意事项和相互作用,以及药物使用审查的过程。涵盖了能影响药物动力学的药理学类别和因素。学习成果回顾药物动力学的过程,描述药物有益和有害作用的术语,以及药物相互作用。2.回顾受体在体内的作用,常见的药物相互作用,以及正确给药的“权利”。3.列出处方的组成部分,常用的剂型,给药途径,影响药物效果的因素,以及药剂师的角色。 4. Recall principles of how various classes of pharmaceuticals act in different body systems, including the central nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, muscles and joints. Content outline The profession of pharmacy Pharmaceutical development Pharmacology study for the pharmacy technician Medication safety and prescription orders The integumentary system and drug therapy The musculoskeletal system The nervous system, central nervous system disorders and drug therapy The nervous system, mental health and drug therapy The sensory system and drug therapy The cardiovascular system and drug therapy Required materials Requires textbook.

