
ES 101民族研究概论(4学分)



ES 101:民族研究导论


成绩单标题民族研究概论学分4评分方式标准信分接触总时数40讲课时数40课程描述民族研究多学科领域介绍。探讨族裔、种族和种族主义塑造美国有色人种的历史和当代经历的方式。向学生介绍广泛的文化和政治背景、社会问题和历史,以了解种族形成和民族身份建设是如何通过社会不平等系统出现和维持的,同时也提供了对各种抵抗和争取公正社会的模式的见解。课程学习成果定义种族研究领域的主要概念、理论和方法。2.运用批判性思维技能来探索种族和民族概念背后的假设。3.解释种族和民族的概念是如何在美国特定的历史和社会背景下形成的。确定和讨论社会正义运动的社会和历史定位。 5. Find and understand the connections between the content in the classroom and the events outside of out it. Content outline Race and ethnicity as social construct (Overview of concepts, theories, and methodology) Power and Privilege Colonialism and Migration in shaping the US experience Social policies and economic realities Intersectionality Resistance and social justice movements Representation and popular culture Required materials This course will require a textbook and/or readings. General education/Related instruction lists Social Science Cultural Literacy

ES 211:美国原住民研究导论


成绩单标题介绍美国本土研究学分4评分方式标准信件评分总接触时数40授课时数40推荐准备ES 101。课程描述介绍了西半球土著民族的历史、社会组织、政治经验和艺术表达,主要集中在美国印第安人。探索各种历史和当代的斗争,关注,美国印第安人的成就使用跨学科的方法。在描述自己的生活和经历时,优先考虑印第安人社区内的声音。课程学习成果识别北美本土的不同文化和政治群体。讨论欧洲人入侵美洲的历史,并用具体的例子解释殖民主义在历史上和现在对土著居民的影响。3.追溯“土著”的历史表述、构造和使用,并讨论土著民族与之竞争或接触的方式。4. Identify and discuss the many contributions American Indians have made to other peoples of the world. Content outline • Academic colonialism in Native American studies, who gets to speak for whom? • Colonialism, broken treaties, and policies of assimilation • Struggles of resistance • Questions of representation (topics could include, media, movies, literature, sports) • Exploring the diversity of Indigenous Identities (topics could include language, religion, gender and sexuality, foodways, social and political organization) Required materials This course will require a textbook and/or readings. General education/Related instruction lists Social Science Cultural Literacy

ES 212:非裔美国人研究导论


成绩单标题非洲Amer研究介绍学分4评分模式标准信评分总接触时数40授课时数40推荐准备ES 101。这门课程探讨了历史、政治、社会和文化问题,这些问题在过去和现在都塑造了非裔美国人的经历。本课程将涵盖非裔美国人社区面临的许多历史和当代问题,特别关注这些社区内的声音。课程学习成果对非裔美国人在美国的历史做一个总体的历史概述。识别并描述非裔美国人历史和经历中的主要人物、事件和问题。解释并提供非裔美国人所面临的当代社会文化问题的背景。确定人类经验中受种族和种族主义影响的多样性因素。5.认识和讨论非裔美国人社区经验和观点的多样性。 6. Identify and discuss the contributions of African Americans to US culture and politics. Content outline • Historical foundations of oppression and resistance: Slave trade and Reconstruction • Historical foundations: intellectuals, artists, and entertainers (from reconstruction to renaissance) • Segregation, Civil Rights, and Black Power • Politics and Art (ex: media and representation, music and resistance, literature) • Social policies and economic realities (ex: issues of housing, education, and incarceration) • Contemporary struggles and achievements (ex: Black Lives Matter movements, NFL kneeling debate, hurricane Katrina, race and environmental justice movements) • Black and… :intersectionality and the variety of experiences within African American Communities (topics could include religion, gender, sexuality, class, nationality) Required materials This course will require a textbook and/or readings. General education/Related instruction lists Social Science Cultural Literacy

ES 214:亚洲/太平洋岛民美国研究简介


成绩单标题亚洲/太平洋Amer St学分4评分模式标准信件评分总接触时数40授课时数40推荐准备ES 101。探索中国、菲律宾、日本、韩国、东南亚、南亚和太平洋岛屿血统的美国人的跨学科研究。调查的多样性的历史,文化和经验,有助于广泛的类别亚裔美国人。特别关注塑造美国亚裔生活的声音和经历的多样性。课程学习成果对亚裔美国人在美国的历史做一个大致的历史概述。解释劳动力需求、美国移民政策、种族和文化差异观念对亚裔美国人身份形成的影响。3.找出将亚裔美国人联系在一起的共同经历,以及作为这个群体特征的内部多样性(种族出身、语言、宗教、性别、阶级、世代)。4. Explain and provide context for contemporary socio-cultural issues facing Asian Americans. 5. Identify elements of diversity in human experience as affected by race and racism. Content outline Inclusion/Exclusion: Immigration and citizenship War, internment, and refugees Transnationalism and the global economy Media representations, stereotypes, and the model minority myth Exploring the diversity with “Asian” (could include discussions of culture, religion, gender, sexualities, alternative genders, and class/caste) Asian America in a post 9/11 World Required materials This course will require a textbook and/or readings. General education/Related instruction lists Social Science Cultural Literacy




