
独联体152 c Cisco路由器配置(4学分)

先决条件:独联体151 c

二三个序列准备学生的思科认证网络副CCNA认证考试。思科路由和交换实现了思科学院在线课程,CCNA 5.0,路由和交换生活必需品,思科系统公司开发的专家。探讨开关vlan,树干和lnter-VLAN路由,1 pv4和1 pv6静态和动态路由、OSPFv2 OSPFv3, DHCP和DNS 1 pv4 1 pv6 NAT和访问列表1 pv4和1 pv6。讲座/实验室环境允许学生整个学期实践技能的机会。


独联体152 c: Cisco路由器配置

https://catalog.cocc.edu/course outlines/cis - 152 c/

记录标题思科路由和转换学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时50小时30个小时讲座20先决条件CIS 151 c。课程描述第二三个序列准备学生把思科认证网络副CCNA认证考试。思科路由和交换实现了思科学院在线课程,CCNA 5.0,路由和交换生活必需品,思科系统公司开发的专家。探讨开关vlan,树干和lnter-VLAN路由,1 pv4和1 pv6静态和动态路由、OSPFv2 OSPFv3, DHCP和DNS 1 pv4 1 pv6 NAT和访问列表1 pv4和1 pv6。讲座/实验室环境允许学生整个学期实践技能的机会。课程学习成果1。描述总体目标和确定一个路由器的主要组件。2。列表的关键网络互连功能OSI网络层以及他们属于一个路由器。3所示。 List problems that each routing type encounters dealing with topology changes and describe techniques to reduce the number of problems. 4. Demonstrate procedures used to examine router elements, how to remotely access a router and testing network connectivity, having access to a multiple router configuration. 5. Perform the initial configuration of a router and enable IP. 6. Perform the necessary steps to implement routing information protocol (RIP), interior gateway routing protocol (IGRP), enhanced interior gateway routing protocol (EIGRP) and open shortest path first (OSPF) routing protocols.





https://catalog.cocc.edu/course outlines/cis - 284 eh/

记录标题道德黑客学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时50小时30个小时讲座20先决条件CIS 279 l。建议准备CIS 151 c,独联体152 c。课程描述准备在网络渗透测试方法,以帮助企业发现和减轻安全弱点,使用Linux和Windows操作系统。学习安全相关的话题,例如:防火墙、入侵检测系统、漏洞扫描器,包嗅探,端口扫描,密码学,日志分析,web应用程序的攻击,开发工具,脚本语言,Metasploit框架,vpn、SSL、端口重定向、安全策略、遵从性法规和职业行为准则。课程学习成果1。使用包嗅探器识别重要的网络信息。2。执行一个网络端口扫描和识别潜在的网络漏洞。3所示。执行一个漏洞扫描漏洞评估。 4. Analyze traffic logs using an intrusion detection system. 5. Analyze firewall logs using a customized firewall. 6. Execute a variety of web application attacks including SQL injection and cross site scripting. 7. Execute dictionary and brute force password attacks. 8. Execute exploits and deliver payloads to targeted computers using the Metasploit framework. 9. Execute an SSH port tunnel to send encrypted data over the network. Content outline Essential Knowledge + Lab Activity Reconnaissance: Scanning and Enumeration + Lab Activity Sniffing and Evasion + Lab Activity Attacking a System + Lab Activity Web-based Hacking + Lab Activity Wireless Hacking + Lab Activity Security in the Cloud + Lab Activity Trojans + Lab Activity Cryptography + Lab Activity Social Engineering + Lab Activity Required materials Each student will need a personal computer and internet connection for completing assignments (prefer a computer with a quad-core processor, 8 gigabytes or more of RAM memory, and at least 100 gigabytes of available hard drive storage)

独联体154 c:思科虚拟局域网和广域网技术

https://catalog.cocc.edu/course outlines/cis - 154 c/

记录标题思科缩放和WAN网络学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时50小时30个小时讲座20先决条件CIS 152 c。课程描述三道菜的第三序列准备学生把思科认证网络副CCNA认证考试。思科扩展和连接网络实现了思科学院在线课程,CCNA 5.0,扩展网络和连接网络。学生探索广域网技术,如FrameRelay、购买力平价、PPPoE,增强切换技术,Etherchannel,互联OSPF和EIGRP,和网络监控Syslog, SNMP、NetFlow。讲座/实验室环境允许学生整个学期实践技能的机会。课程学习成果1。描述每个功能的三个层次的层次化网络设计模型,分层网络设计的原则,并融合网络的概念。2。网络中配置一个开关操作旨在支持语音、视频和数据传输。3所示。 Configure VLANs on the switches in a network topology. 4. Configure inter-VLAN routing on a router to enable communication between end-user devices on separate VLANs. 5. Configure point to point protocol (PPP) encapsulation. 6. Configure a basic Frame Relay permanent virtual circuit (PVC), including configuring and troubleshooting Frame Relay on a router serial interface and configuring a static Frame Relay map. 7. Configure extended access control lists (ACL) in a medium-size enterprise branch office network, including configuring extended ACLs and named ACLs, configuring filters, verifying and monitoring ACLs, and troubleshooting extended ACL issues.

