
CIS 120计算机概念(4学分)




CIS 120:计算机概念


成绩单名称计算机概念学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系时数总计50课时授课时数30其他时数20建议准备CIS 010和CIS 070或同等的计算机技能。遵循互联网和计算核心证书(IC3)国家标准,用于全国众多高校和行业的数字素养。课程目标分为三个模块:计算机基础、关键应用和在线生活。提供在大学阶段成功使用计算机所需的知识和技能。学习成果1。描述安全使用计算机硬件、软件和云计算的最佳实践。2.生成文件以显示对常见生产力软件(如文字处理、电子表格、演示和数据库管理)的理解。3.展示正确使用在线工具和软件,如网页浏览器、通讯应用程序、日历工具和社交媒体/网络服务。 Content outline • Computer hardware • Operating systems • File management • Cloud computing • Security • Word • Excel • Powerpoint • Access • Web searching • Browsers • Email • Calendars • Social media • Communications tools Required materials Internet access for web-based e-books and learning resources is required.




CIS 145: A+要领


成绩单标题A+必修二学分4年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计50课学时30其他学时20必修CIS 140推荐制剂CIS 120或CIS 124。帮助学生掌握与CompTIAs A+ 220-902结果相关的技能和知识。涵盖安装和配置PC操作系统所需的技能,以及为移动操作系统Android和Apple iOS配置常见功能(例如网络连接和电子邮件)。CIS 140和CIS 145使用一本教科书。要成为A+认证,你需要通过两个认证考试。学习成果1。比较和对比Microsoft Windows操作系统版本的各种特性和要求。2.使用相应的Windows操作系统工具执行常见的预防性维护步骤。 3. Identify common features and functionality of the MacOS and Linux operating systems. 4. Install and configure basic mobile device network connectivity and email. 5. Troubleshoot personal computer operating system problems with appropriate tools. 6. Troubleshoot common mobile operating systems and application issues with appropriate tools. 7. Summarize the process of addressing prohibited content/activity, and explain privacy, licensing and policy concepts. 8. Demonstrate proper communication techniques and professionalism. Content outline Features of the Microsoft OS Preventative maintenance Features of the Mac and Linux OS environments Mobile devices Troubleshooting PCs Troubleshooting mobile devices Security and privacy Communication and professionalism Required materials Students will need regular and reliable access to the Internet. Shares a textbook with CIS 140.

CIS 140: A+要领


成绩单标题A+必修1学分4年级模式标准信年级联系学时总计50课学时30其他学时20必修CIS 145。推荐制剂CIS 120或CIS 124。A+ Essentials是IT职业生涯的起点。涵盖计算机技术的基础知识,个人电脑、笔记本电脑和相关硬件的安装和配置,以及基本的网络概念。准备供应商中立的CompTIA A+ Essentials认证考试(220-901)。CIS 140和145使用一种教科书。要成为A+认证,你需要通过两个认证考试。学习成果1。解释主板组件的重要性、用途和特性。2. Compare and contrast characteristics and purpose of various PC connection interfaces. 3. Identify common TCP and UDP ports, protocols, and their purpose. 4. Install and configure SOHO wireless/wired router and apply appropriate settings. 5. Install and configure laptop hardware and components. 6. Compare and contrast accessories and ports on other mobile devices. 7. Troubleshoot hard drives and RAID arrays with appropriate tools. 8. Troubleshoot and repair common mobile device issues while adhering to the appropriate procedures. Content outline Motherboard components PC connections/interfaces TCP and UDP ports and protocols Wireless routers Laptop hardware Mobile devices Storage and RAID Troubleshooting Required materials Students will need regular and reliable Internet access. Shares a textbook with CIS 145.

CIS 198:计算机和信息系统项目


成绩单标题CIS项目学分3年级模式标准信件等级联系时数总计90其他时数90推荐准备(CIS 120或CIS 124)和CIS 131。学生被安排在当地企业从事当地企业可能需要的小项目。如有必要,学生负责项目、文档和用户手册。学生由一名CIS老师资助。学习成果参见本部分的课程大纲来回顾学生的学习成果。课程大纲将根据项目的主题/结果确定。学生需要定期、可靠地访问互联网。




CIS 125E: Excel


成绩单名称Excel学分4年级模式标准信等级联系学时总计50课学时30其他学时20推荐准备(CIS 120或CIS 124)和CIS 131。描述涵盖Microsoft Excel的中级和高级功能,如列表,数据透视表,使用多个工作表,模板,假设分析,数据表,高级公式和函数,目标寻找,求解器,合并和导入数据。学生将应用这些Excel功能来创建和修改业务工作表。学习成果1。在Excel中输入不同类型的数据,并使用适当的格式化功能创建一个专业的电子表格。2.适当使用Excel中的基本公式和函数,解决常见的业务问题。3.使用逻辑和查找函数在Excel中计算数据。4. Present business related information in an easy to understand format using the Excel charting tools. 5. Use advanced functions to develop sophisticated spreadsheets for making business decisions. 6. Manage large volumes of data using filters and pivot tables. 7. Conduct “What if" analysis using various features of Excel and conduct advanced statistical computations. 8. Import external data form text files and databases. Content outline • Worksheet formatting • Functions and formulas • Charting • Pivot charts/tables • Data management Required materials Access to Microsoft Office.

CIS 135DB:数据库理论/SQL


成绩单标题数据库理论/SQL学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系学时总计50课学时30其他学时20推荐准备(CIS 120或CIS 124或IC3认证)和CIS 131。描述介绍数据库的相关概念。包括数据库和数据库管理系统的组成部分以及数据库设计理论、规范化的概念和数据模型。介绍SQL和几个最流行的数据库管理系统,如Access, Microsoft SQL Server和MySQL。学习成果1。说明使用数据库的原因。2.说明使用相关表如何帮助避免问题。3.了解数据库相关数据库管理系统的组成要素。 4. Design and produce relational database models using ER diagrams, integrity rules and normalization. 5. Transform ER diagrams into relational designs and apply normalization processes. 6. Use SQL to create, and modify tables as well as retrieve data from one or more tables databases. 7. Learn the reasons for database administration and associated functions. 8. Understand the classifications of applications, specifically web-based, that access databases. 9. Understand the concepts of data-mining, -warehouses -marts and how they pertain to business systems. Content outline - purpose of a database - relational databases - database components - entity relationship diagrams - the normalization process - SQL - administrative functions - database applications - data mining and warehousing Required materials Students will need regular and reliable access to Microsoft Access.

CIS 244:信息系统分析


成绩单标题信息系统分析学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系学时总计50课学时30其他学时20推荐准备(CIS 120或CIS 124)和CIS 131。描述提供系统分析师、顾问或项目经理作为独立承包商或IT部门的一部分工作所必需的技能的概览。主题包括信息系统概念和工具、目标设置、项目管理、团队工作、文档和沟通。学习成果1。使用多种方法规划信息系统。2.分析建模需求、数据流和对象。3.设计用户界面设计和系统架构。4. Manage systems implementation. 5. Manage systems support and security. Content outline - information systems methodologies - modeling - user interfaces - implementing new systems - systems support and security Required materials Students will need regular and reliable access to the Internet.

CIS 122:编程导论


成绩单标题编程入门学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系时数总计50课时数30其他时数20建议准备CIS 120或CIS 124。计算机编程入门,适合没有或很少编程经验的学生。对编程有很强的基本理解。介绍算法设计、控制结构和用户界面的基本编程概念。学生将使用编程的基本结构,包括常量、变量、表达式和控制结构,用于顺序、迭代和决策处理,以解决各种问题。学习成果1。分析小程序并确定它们的行为。2.构建小程序来完成各种各样的简单任务。3. Create and utilize basic objects. 4. Apply fundamental software engineering practices when writing code that utilizes structured programming concepts. Content outline • Program behaviors • Constructing programs • Objects • Structured programming concepts Required materials Students will need regular and reliable access to the Internet. General education/Related instruction lists Science not Lab

CIS 125A1: AutoCAD


成绩单标题AutoCAD 1学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系学时总计50课学时30其他学时20建议准备或使用CIS 120或CIS 124。两个学期的第一个课程,介绍AutoCAD软件作为绘图工具。包括文件处理、基本命令功能、起草技术、演示和绘图。在实验室练习中使用建筑和机械应用演示AutoCAD命令。工作将通过AutoCAD完成。学习成果1。识别和使用由美国国家标准协会概述的起草标准。使用架构、工程和度量尺度进行缩放和度量。3.使用各种软件接口访问AutoCAD命令,包括色带、下拉菜单、键盘命令和功能键。 Set up and preserve drafting standards in templates. 5. Proficiently use AutoCAD commands to draw and manage geometrical objects according to recognized standards. 6. Demonstrate and use coordinate entry including Direct Distance entry, Absolute and Relative Cartesian Coordinate entry and relative Polar Coordinate entry. 7. Effectively use Model Space and Layout Tabs for drawing and display. 8. Plot/Print from Layout Tabs. Content outline - ANSI drafting standards - scaling and measurement - AutoCAD commands - templates - geometrical objects - coordinate entry methods - Model Space and Layout - Plotting and printing Required materials Students will need regular and reliable access to AutoCAD

CIS 125DV:数字视频制作


成绩单标题数字视频制作学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系时数总计50讲课时数30其他时数20建议准备CIS 120或CIS 124。使用Adobe Premiere视频编辑软件,以及相机设置、照明、音频优化和开发用于在Web上发布的创造性内容的工具和技术。学习成果1。熟练安装和使用相机。2.演示室内和室外视频照明的最佳做法。3.确定优化音频的适当工具和技术。4.利用视频制作技能计划和发展一个创意项目。 5. Import, organize and select assets in video editing software. 6. Compose video productions from separate video and audio sequences. 7. Add effects, transitions, and titles to video clips. Content outline Hoverboard Assignment-Learning the Basics Titling and Syncing Audio with Video--Project Key Frames, Slow Motion, and Transitions--Project Wheels Assignment: Content development, location shooting, creative camera handling, title rolls, sequence development Recipe Assignment: Lighting, lower thirds, B-roll capture, Ssquence develop utilizing video clips, stills, B-roll, music Coaching Assignment: Camera techniques for shooting sport skills, voiceover narrations, video clips, stills, lighting, slow motion, music, integrations of techniques into an edited movie Job Interview Assignment:Script development, reading from a teleprompter, development of B-Roll, music Development of asset collection into an edited movie Required materials 1. Smartphone, camcorder, DSLR, point and shoot camera, or some other device capable of capturing digital video. 2. Computer workstation capable of running Adobe Premiere video editing software.

CIS 125G: Photoshop


成绩单标题Photoshop学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系时数总计50授课时数30其他时数20建议准备CIS 120或CIS 124。描述涵盖了Adobe概述的学习目标,以成为使用Adobe Photoshop视觉沟通方面的Adobe认证助理(ACA)。结果包括对Photoshop的全面理解,以及设置项目要求,识别设计元素,处理图像和评估数字图像。学习成果1。了解Photoshop的许多功能,以调整数字图像的外观和质量。2.恢复损坏的照片使用各种Photoshop的工具和调整。3.创建多层复合图像,使用Photoshop的图层调色板和混合模式以及选择工具。4. Gain an understanding of fundamental composition concepts. 5. Gain experience exporting a variety of file-types for print and web. Content outline - program interface - image repair and restoration - creating layered images - composition - exporting images for the web Required materials Regular access to Adobe Photoshop.

CIS 125I: Adobe Illustrator


成绩单标题Adobe Illustrator学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系时数总计50授课时数30其他时数20建议准备CIS 120或CIS 124。符合Adobe图形设计插图认证助理(ACA)的目标,并提供使用Adobe Illustrator绘制、编辑和布局技术的指导。介绍了基本的插图工具,组成规则,和完整的基于矢量的项目,如简单的插图,标识,海报和明信片。学习成果1。管理Illustrator工作区和面板。2.创建指南,网格和使用智能指南。构建基于层的文档结构。4.创建和使用多个画板。 5. View and modify document metadata. Content outline - workspace and panels - using guides and grids - multi-layered documents - artboards - document metadata Required materials Access to Adobe Illustrator is required.

CIS 125V: Visio


成绩单标题Visio学分4年级模式标准信等级联系时数总计50课时数30其他时数20建议准备CIS 120或CIS 124。介绍Microsoft Visio,一个基于矢量的插图工具。学习基本技能,同时创建几种类型的基本图表,包括工作流程,流程图,组织图,方向图,网络和平面图。学习成果1。识别和定义流程图符号。2.识别使用Visio构建的不同图表。计划流程图并利用主形状。4.连接图表形状,使用动态连接器和文本特性。 5. Create block diagrams, flowcharts, organization charts and project management diagrams. 6. Create inter- and intra- network diagrams. 7. Create office floor plan and work with layers. 8. Link Visio diagram to other software applications. Content outline - flowchart symbols - diagrams - visio shapes - dynamic connectors and text - block diagrams and flowcharts - network diagrams - office floorplans with layers - linking to other applications Required materials Regular access to Microsoft Visio.

CIS 131:软件应用


成绩单名称软件应用学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系时数总计50课时数30其他时数20先决条件CIS 120或CIS 124或COCC计算机能力。探索Microsoft Word和Microsoft Excel的特性和技术,重点关注IT和业务用户常见的技能。专注于准备Excel和Word相关Microsoft Office专业证书所需的技能。学习成果1。在Excel中管理工作表,工作簿,数据单元格,范围和表。使用公式和函数进行运算。3.创建、修改和格式化图表。4.插入和格式化文本,段落,段落,表格和列表。 5. Create and manage references. 6. Insert and format graphic elements. Content outline • Word document properties • Formatting text, paragraphs, and sections in Word • Working with tables and lists in Word • Creating and using references and citations in Word • Adding and formatting graphics and images to Word documents • Excel workbooks and worksheet properties • Adding data to Excel and formatting cells and sheets • Creating tables in Excel, and formatting/filtering content • Using formulas and functions in Excel • Creating and customizing different charts and graphs in Excel Required materials Students will need access to a reliable computer with Internet access. Students will also need recent versions of Microsoft Office--available to students via their school account.

CIS 178:深度互联网


成绩单标题互联网深度学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系时数总计50授课时数30其他时数20建议准备CIS 120或CIS 124。描述介绍互联网的概念和技术。探索各种各样的互联网协议,并检查互联网的历史和基础设施。了解web应用程序、电子商务、社交媒体以及如何使用常用设计工具创建和发布网站。课程主题包括万维网、互联网的安全使用、网页浏览器和电子邮件基础知识、网上搜索、网上学习资源、大众传播和互联网上的实时通讯。学习成果1。确定Internet和Web的历史、基础设施和技术的关键方面,以及它们如何与当前的方法相关联和影响。2.演示如何使用web应用程序进行通信和提高生产力。3. Produce web pages and web accounts using established tools and techniques. Content outline • Internet history • Web browsers • Communication tools • Online education • Working online • Web pages • Safety and security online Required materials Students will need regular and reliable Internet access.

CIS 179L: Linux Essentials


成绩单标题Linux基本学分4年级模式标准信等级联系学时总计50课学时30其他学时20先决条件CIS 120或CIS 124或COCC计算机能力。介绍Linux,帮助学生了解Linux和开源行业,同时提供最流行的开源应用的知识;2)了解Linux操作系统的主要组成部分,具备操作Linux命令行的技术能力;并且,3)了解安全性和管理相关主题的基础知识,如用户/组管理、使用命令行和权限。学习成果1。解释开源开发的历史和目前使用的主要Linux发行版。2.演示Linux基础知识以运行应用程序、导航和管理文件和目录。3.说明使用命令行归档文件、提取数据和运行脚本的技术。 4. Summarize the differences between Windows, OS X, and Linux; and, how hardware is managed in each operating system. 5. Implement basic security in Linux based on user types, groups, file permissions, and ownership. Content outline 1.1 Linux Evolution and Popular Operating Systems 1.2 Major Open Source Applications 1.3 Open Source Software and Licensing 1.4 ICT Skills and Working in Linux 2.1 Command Line Basics 2.2 Using the Command Line to Get Help 2.3 Using Directories and Listing Files 2.4 Creating, Moving and Deleting Files 3.1 Archiving Files on the Command Line 3.2 Searching and Extracting Data from Files 3.3 Turning Commands into a Script 4.1 Choosing an Operating System 4.2 Understanding Computer Hardware 4.3 Where Data is Stored 4.4 Your Computer on the Network 5.1 Basic Security and Identifying User Types 5.2 Creating Users and Groups 5.3 Managing File Permissions and Ownership 5.4 Special Directories and Files Required materials 1. Students will need frequent access to a computer under which they have administrative rights to configure the computer fully. 2. Students will need frequent and reliable access to the Internet in order to conduct research, participate with the class online using cloud technologies, and access the Pioneer Data Center via a secure VPN connection. 3. Students will need access to the course training materials, textbooks, software, online resources as determined in the course syllabus.

CIS 195: Web开发I


成绩单标题网页开发I学分4年级模式标准信件等级联系时数总计50课时数30其他时数20建议准备CIS 120或CIS 124。学习HTML(结构)和CSS(样式),同时探索web开发的基础。使用不同的技术来创建现代和成功的网站使用的网页元素。为桌面用户和移动用户设计具有功能性的网页,并展示了可用性和设计的最佳实践。学习成果1。解释网页服务器、互联网基础设施和文件管理的作用,因为它们影响网页开发、网页和网页内容的创建/交付。2.应用网页可用性和用户体验最佳实践的概念。3.为移动和桌面平台规划、构建和设计网页布局。 4. Integrate webpage elements into a plan, layout, and design. Content outline • Internet/web history and infrastructure • Folder and file management • HTML elements • Webpage structure • Cascading stylesheets • Design concepts • Usability and user experience • Hyperlinks and navigation • Webpage layouts • Media • Web forms Required materials Internet access for web-based e-books and learning resources is required.

CIS 099:专题选择:计算机和信息系统



CIS 188:特殊研究I


成绩单标题特殊研究I学分1-4年级模式通过/不通过联系时数总计10-280课时数0-40实验室时数0-120其他时数0-120描述探讨本学科当前感兴趣的主题。P / NP评分。这门课程的内容是可变的。有关学生的学习成果,请查阅课程大纲或与授课老师联系。

CIS 288:特殊研究2


成绩单标题专题研究II学分1-4年级模式及格/不及格成绩联系时数总计10-280课时数0-40实验室时数0-120其他时数0-120描述探讨本学科当前感兴趣的主题。P / NP评分。这门课程的内容是可变的。有关学生的学习成果,请查阅课程大纲或与授课老师联系。



...数学列表);ba214或WR 121;独联体120或计算机能力测试;252水马力...







CS 160:计算机科学方向


...MTH 111或更高。建议准备独联体120独联体124年。描述提供一个大致的描述。...



...1 Foundtl Health HHPA120太极和气功...种科学而不是实验室独联体122年的介绍...



...111, ba214或WR 121,和独联体120.提供一个介绍性的调查...

护理学(RN) -应用科学副学士(AAS)






DA 115:牙科科学


...数学列表);ba214或WR 121;独联体120或计算机能力测试;252水马力...



...111, ba214或WR 121,和独联体120.提供一个介绍性的调查...









...商务沟通或WR 121学术作文独联体120计算机概念或计算机能力测试...






...健康信息管理,学生必须顺利完成独联体120计算机概念,AH 111医学术语...



...健康信息管理,学生必须通过独联体120计算机概念,AH 111医学术语...

