
HST 103年欧洲革命和战争(1789 -现在)(4学分)

提供了一个框架的概念对于理解“西方文明”。Explores European civilizations from the French Revolution in 1789 to the present day. Focuses on the establishment of nations, the impact of the Industrial Revolution, nationalism and racism, colonization, and the two World Wars. Concludes by questioning the differences between civilization and barbarism. Focuses on the cultural, religious, political, and intellectual changes that happened between the late 18th century and the present, extending from religion and politics to social class, gender, and stereotypes based on nationality or ethnicity. Need not be taken in sequence.


HST 103:欧洲:革命和战争(1789 -现在)


记录标题欧洲:1789年至今学分成绩总联络信4评分模式标准小时40小时40节课描述提供了一个框架的概念对于理解“西方文明”。Explores European civilizations from the French Revolution in 1789 to the present day. Focuses on the establishment of nations, the impact of the Industrial Revolution, nationalism and racism, colonization, and the two World Wars. Concludes by questioning the differences between civilization and barbarism. Focuses on the cultural, religious, political, and intellectual changes that happened between the late 18th century and the present, extending from religion and politics to social class, gender, and stereotypes based on nationality or ethnicity. Need not be taken in sequence. Course learning outcomes 1. Interpret the relationship between the past and the present, which takes into account social, cultural, political, and religious perspectives. 2. Analyze primary historical evidence of Modern Europe. 3. Identify historical arguments found in secondary sources. 4. Construct an historical argument in a written essay. 5. Challenge shared assumptions and cultural stereotypes through discussion, written and oral means. 6. Identify the chronology and construct a narrative about Modern Europe. 7. Identify geographical context of historical events in Modern Europe. General education/Related instruction lists Social Science Cultural Literacy






学生文化素养,Discipl螺栓的社会科学HST103年欧洲:革命和战争(1789 -现在

