
艺术157 a1金属制品和珠宝-热制造我(2学分)



艺术157 a1:金属制品、珠宝——热制造我

https://catalog.cocc.edu/course outlines/art - 157 a1/

记录标题金属制品/ Jewelry-Hot工厂我学分成绩总联络信2评分模式标准小时40小时实验室10小时30节课描述介绍基本技能用于制造有色金属包括银、铜和铜合金珠宝或其他小金属物体。项目将使用高温加入银焊和天然气/压缩空气火把作为热源。额外指令包括开发设计、退火、钻、锯、锉、纹理、dap和加工技术。课程学习成果1。发展必要的技能来有效地操纵有色金属制造珠宝或其他小型对象以一种受控制的方式使用手工具。2。开发skill-joining汗水焊接金属的部分使用高温银焊和天然气/压缩空气作为热源。3所示。学会识别和达到高水平的工艺。4所示。 Understand how to achieve a good design for metalwork by creating a balance between the various elements which provide contrast in a design; using the unifying principles of design to make the elements visually cohesive; developing the sensitivity to recognize a visually appealing division of space to create a strong composition. 5. Develop critical and creative thinking skills to generate several imaginative preliminary ideas; design an extended series of one of the ideas using innovative or exploratory thinking; problem-solve while creating the project; suggest ways to improve the weaknesses in design solutions.




艺术159 b2:金属制品和珠宝,蚀刻和液压机II

https://catalog.cocc.edu/course outlines/art - 159 b2/

记录标题金属制品/ Jewelry-Etch PressII学分成绩总联络信2评分模式标准小时实验室40小时讲座10小时30推荐准备159 b1和艺术157 a1或艺术157 b1。课程描述建立在159年艺术技能b1。蚀刻抗拒将包括标记、油漆和沥青清漆作为铜的抗拒。非相容的雕刻丙烯酸和钢液符合模具将形成蚀刻金属使用水压机。课程学习成果1。以一种受控制的方式创建蜡模型用于铸造。2。开发技能打浇冒口和投资模型。3所示。保险丝链接和基本链。 4. Recognize and attain a high level of craftsmanship. 5. Understand how to achieve a good design for cast metalwork. 6. Develop critical and creative thinking skills.

艺术157 a2:金属制品和珠宝-热制造二世

https://catalog.cocc.edu/course outlines/art - 157 a2/

记录标题金属制品/ Jewelry-Hot工厂二学分成绩总联络信2评分模式标准小时实验室40小时讲座10小时30推荐准备艺术157 a1。课程描述构建技能在艺术157 a1。学生将开发焊接技能设计更复杂和空间项目。边框设置凸圆形的石头,铰链,和更复杂的成形技术和纹理方法也将包括在内。课程学习成果1。培养中级技能形成和变形有色金属珠宝或其他小型对象以一种受控制的方式。2。发展与更复杂的焊接技能和空间结构;焊接表盒和铰链;学会坚持养活焊料; and learn to use different temperature grades of silver solders. 3. Create more sophisticated and detailed designs, which exhibit a strong understanding of good design qualities. 4. Improve creative thinking skills by problem solving to build more complex soldering set-ups.

艺术158 b2:珠宝——铸造二世

https://catalog.cocc.edu/course outlines/art - 158 b2/

记录标题珠宝——铸造二学分成绩总联络信3分级模式标准小时其他60个小时60推荐准备158 b1和艺术157 a1。课程描述建立在158年艺术技能b1。可能包括离心、真空、墨鱼骨铸造砂铸件。使用模具重复纹理转移到蜡,创建在蜡石设置和控制蜡输家将覆盖。课程学习成果1。申请中级技能,使用加法和减法方法,创建蜡铸造过程的模型。2。证据能力必要浇道,投资和复杂的蜡模型为金属。3所示。达到一个高水平的工艺和对细节的关注工作完成。 4. Integrate design elements, unifying principles of design, and compositional strength. 5. Interpret and evaluate your work, and critically asses the work of others. 6. Engage consistently in safe studio practices related to the casting process. Content outline Principles of design appropriate for casting Review: Materials/tools (wax types, properties, carving tools) Studio safety Intermediate wax carving and building techniques Spruing basic and complex models Review: Investing process (investment, vacuum degassing), mold burnout schedule, centrifugal casting Alternative casting methods such as water casting, broom casting or cuttlebone casting Making molds of cast models for additional castings and production Clean up and finishing of complex castings Required materials See syllabus for complete materials list.

艺术159 a2:金属制品和珠宝-形成II

https://catalog.cocc.edu/course outlines/art - 159 a2/

记录标题金属制品/ Jewelry-Forming II学分成绩总联络信2评分模式标准小时实验室40小时讲座10小时30推荐准备157 a1和艺术159 a1。课程描述建立在技能在艺术159 a1。项目可以从使用角度提高金属板,组装外壳成型,液压机形成和electro-forming。项目可能包括使用热的或冷的连接和非金属材料。课程学习成果1。理解和开发一个视觉词汇。2。掌握良好的工艺技术和技能来完成珠宝和金属设计项目和课程作业。3所示。精湛的生成、考虑和评估问题的珠宝和金属设计。 4. Master production of quality work through the application of a variety of jewelry and metal design techniques and media. 5. Master knowledge of basic compositional guidelines for jewelry and metal design and apply them effectively to completed course projects and assignments.

艺术159 a1:金属制品、珠宝——形成我

https://catalog.cocc.edu/course outlines/art - 159 a1/

记录标题金属制品/ Jewelry-Forming成绩总联络信我学分2评分模式标准小时实验室40小时讲座10小时30推荐准备艺术157 a1。课程描述学生将有色金属项目包括第三维度。项目可以捏造的珠宝、容器或小型雕塑用折叠,得分,追逐和金属细工的,用来形成金属板或其他金属加工技术。项目可能包括使用热的或冷的连接和非金属材料。课程学习成果1。理解和开发一个视觉词汇。2。学习金属的工作品质,使用热,锤子和各种工具。3所示。加强技术和技能的好工艺珠宝项目和课程作业完成。 4. Effectively generate, consider and evaluate problems in jewelry. 5. Reinforce constructive critiques of jewelry projects using language appropriate to the domain and course themes.

