
Accessibility Tools for Everyone

Accessibility Tools for Everyone

There are tools that any Canvas user can utilize to make online content more accessible. Please take the time to explore each resource and share these materials with your peers. You may never know who needs these tools the most!


ALLYis a tool that assists with making online course content more accessible. It is embedded into the Canvas Learning Management System. When you click the Ally button, you can download alternative formats of instructor content directly from your course. These alternative formats benefit everyone!

Select the Download Alternative Formats icon wherever you see it to download the content in a different format:

ally button

Choose the version of the content that best fits your needs.

View theAlly for Alternative Formats webpagefor more information directly from the tool provider.

Instructional video:


ReadSpeakeris a text to speech program that uses technology to speech enable websites, online documents, and forms. Preconfigured into Canvas, this tool allows text written in the user interface menus, headings, text input by users, and compatible documents to be read aloud to users. Users can read the whole webpage or document at once, or listen to selected sections.

To use ReadSpeaker anywhere within Canvas: Look for the play button tab:

readspeaker start button

click on it, and the function tool bar will appear near the top of the webpage:

readspeaker play button

You can move the tool bar by clicking and dragging it around the webpage.Users can configure reading speed, text color, highlighting by sentence and words, zoom or use a reading ruler.

Canvas Immersive Reader

Canvas Immersive Readeris a learning tool that uses proven techniques to improve reading for people, regardless of their age or ability. Key features include "read text out loud," "break it into syllables," and "increase spacing between lines and letters." It offers text-decoding solutions for students with learning differences such as dyslexia, and it encourages independent reading and helps teachers support students’ unique learning needs.

Please connect with the世界杯2022赛程时间表最新 department for more support and technology resources intended to help COCC students succeed. The Services for Students with Disabilities office works to provide access of COCC offerings for people with disabilities through partnerships with students, staff, faculty, and community members by providing education, advocacy and accommodations.

Faculty: view ourAccessibility & Universal Designintranet page to view faculty specific instructions for these accessibility tools.