
Instructional Assessment

Assessment of student learning is a fundamental activity at COCC as we constantly look to evaluate and improve student learning; our focus is on program and degree level outcomes assessment.

Guiding Principles(developed by the Learning Assessment/Outcomes Committee 3/2016)

Instructional assessment at COCC:

  1. Is valuable to students, to the College, and to faculty.

  2. Plays an important role in mapping the relationships among and between courses, programs, and degrees.

  3. Comprises a cycle of continuous improvement where faculty plan and design learning activities and assessments, gather and analyze evidence of learning, and reflect upon this evidence in order to improve the planning and design of courses and programs.

  4. Should occur on a regular schedule in order for improvement to be continual and systematic.

  5. 促使我们认识到,数据,无论是定性的还是定量的,驱动闭环的过程(评估和利用评估),因此,教师必须开发可测量的评估,以提供这些数据。

  6. Builds on faculty experience and draws upon current best practices in order to foster growth.

  7. 对每个人来说都不完全一样,但会共享共同的词汇。