

GradTracks welcome image

What is GradTracks?

GradTracks helps you and your advisor:

  • Track your progress toward degree completion
  • See how completed courses are applied toward your degree/certification
  • Identify what requirements and courses still are needed to graduate
  • Explore other certificate/degree options
  • Plan your path to graduation.

How to access GradTracks

It's best to use firefox or chrome as your browser

  1. From theStudent Loginpage
  2. Logon to yourBobcat Web Account
  3. Select theStudent Services & Financial Aidtab.
  4. Click on theGradTrackslink, and then on theGradTracksbutton.

You must be admitted to COCC and taking credit courses in order to view your information on GradTracks.

Video Help and Tutorials

What is GradTracks?

GradTracks Audit

GradTracks Plans

What to do if you need help

Internet Explorer and GradTracks

If you need assistance using GradTracks, check out theGradTracks FAQpage.

You can also click on theFAQorHelplinks in GradTracks for help and guidance. These are located at the top of each GradTracks screen.

Your academic advisor can help you understand your degree/certificate requirements and courses you need to take.