
COVID-19 Response and Reopening

Board Policies

Board Policies in Print Format(pdf)
Revised: September, 2018

Board of Directors' Governing Process Policies


Approved: November 14, 2012

Mission - Central Oregon Community College promotes student success and community enrichment by providing quality, accessible, lifelong educational opportunities..

Vision Statement - To achieve student success and community enrichment, COCC fosters student completion of academic goals, prepares students for employment, assists regional employers and promotes equitable achievement for the diverse students and communities we serve.

Approved: July 13, 2011 Revised: 12/9/2015

The board will be actively involved in the governance of the college, being proactive rather than reactive, staying adequately informed on relevant issues and approaching its task with a style which emphasizes outward vision rather than an internal preoccupation, encouragement of diversity in viewpoints, strategic leadership more than administrative detail, clear distinction of board and staff roles, collective rather than individual decisions and an orientation towards the future while respecting lessons from the past..

More specifically, the Board will:

  1. 以各种方式运作时铭记其对其地区公民的公民托管义务。
  2. Enforce upon itself whatever discipline is needed to govern with excellence. Discipline will apply to matters such as attendance, policy making principles, respect of roles, speaking with one voice and adherence to ethical practices.
  3. 理事会将充分了解有关的全球、区域和地方教育及其他问题,积极收集资料以履行这一职责。
  4. Direct, control and inspire the organization through the careful establishment of the broadest organizational values and perspectives through written policies.
  5. Focus chiefly on intended long term impacts on the world outside the organization (ends), not on the administrative or programmatic means of attaining those effects.
  6. 做政策的发起者,而不仅仅是员工行动的反应者。董事会,而不是员工,将为董事会的表现负责。
  7. 利用个别成员的专业知识来提升董事会作为一个整体的能力,而不是用他们的个人价值观来代替团体的价值观。
  8. Monitor and regularly discuss the Board's own process and performance. Insure the continuity of its governance capability by ongoing training and review:
    1. 自我监督将包括每年至少两次将董事会的活动和纪律与其治理过程和董事会与员工关系政策进行比较。
    2. 持续的培训将包括向新成员介绍董事会采用的治理过程,并定期讨论改进过程。
  9. Be accountable to the general public for competent, conscientious and effective accomplishment of its obligations as a body. It will allow no officer, individual or committee of the board to usurp this role or hinder this commitment.
  10. Acting as a committee of the whole, the Board shall perform the functions of an Audit Committee including:
    1. The appointment and establishment of the compensation of any public accounting firm employed by the College in connection with the attest function.
    2. Establishment of procedures for:
      i. The receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by the College regarding accounting, internal controls and auditing matters.
      ii. The confidential, anonymous submission by employees regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters.
    3. The appointment, compensation and oversight of independent counsel or other advisor as deemed necessary to carry out its audit duties.
  11. 除非董事会特别授权,否则董事会将全权负责任命代表整个学院、任何学院部门或学院单位的法律顾问或房地产代理机构。未经董事会或指定人员事先批准,大学资金(包括通过学生费用或其他项目或部门费用收取的资源)不得用于法律顾问或房地产代理。


Approved: June 9, 1993 Revised: December 9, 2015

The job of the board is to make certain contributions which lead the organization toward the desired performance and assure that it occurs. The board's specific contributions areuniqueto its trusteeship role andnecessaryfor proper governance and management.

Consequently, the contributions and responsibilities of the board shall be:

  1. To serve as the link between the organization and its many stakeholders and constituents (this occurs through board meetings, committee meetings, formal college events and day-to-day communication with the public).
  2. To develop and abide by written governing policies.
  3. To approve the annual budget.
  4. To assure Presidential performance.
  5. To be an active and engaged Board member - attend Board meetings and functions, participate on one or more committees, and take the initiative to be informed to make good decisions (i.e. communicate with staff through the President).
  6. To participate in legislative and public policy activities (through testifying, lobbying and taking positions as appropriate).
  7. 监督金融资源开发。

Approved: June 9, 1993
Revised: March 13, 1996; December 9, 2015

The role of the Chair is, primarily, to ensure the integrity of the Board's process and, secondarily, occasional representation of the Board to outside parties. The Chair is the only Board Member authorized to officially speak for the Board (beyond simply reporting Board decisions), other than in rare and specifically authorized instances.

  1. The outcome of an effective Chair is that the Board behaves consistent with its own policies on governance and Board/staff relationship and those legitimately imposed upon it from outside the organization.
    1. The Chair is responsible for reviewing the Board meeting agenda and facilitating the Board meetings to ensure the Board remains proactive, forward looking and value-added in its deliberations.
    2. Meeting discussion content will only be those issues which, according to Board policy, clearly belong to the Board to decide, not the President.
    3. Deliberation will be timely, fair, orderly and thorough, but also efficient, limited to time allotted and kept to the point.
    4. 董事会有关个人和团体行为的政策将得到适当执行。
  2. The authority of the Chair consists of making and/or carrying out decisions on behalf of the Board. This authority extends to all decisions which fall within and are consistent with any reasonable interpretation of Board policies on Governance Process and on the Board-President Relationship, except where the Board specifically delegates portions of this authority to others.
    1. 主席有权以该职位的所有公认权力(如裁决、承认等)主持董事会会议。
    2. The Chair has no authority to make unilateral decisions about policies and no authority to individually supervise or direct the President.
    3. The Chair may represent the Board to outside parties in announcing Board-stated positions and in stating Chair decisions and interpretations within the area delegated.
    4. 主席可根据需要召开特别会议。
  3. The Vice Chair will assume responsibilities of the Chair in the event of Chair's absence or inability to serve.
  4. 董事会主席和副主席将在7月的年会中选举产生。
  5. The selection of the Chair will be based on the following factors:
    Desire, leadership ability, availability of time to complete the obligations of the job, experience relative to the goals/opportunities for the college in the ensuing year, and zone representation.

It is generally anticipated that the Vice Chair will succeed the Chair in the following year if the criteria for the Chair can still be met.

Approved: June 9, 1993 Revised: December 9, 2015; March 10, 2021

The Board may establish committees to help carry out its responsibilities, subject to the following:

  1. Purpose. The purpose of committees shall be:
    1. To tap the special talents, skills and knowledge of individual Board members;
    2. To develop knowledge and skills to more ably consider specific issues in the committee’s areas of expertise;
    3. 就委员会专业领域内的特定问题或主题向全体委员会进行教育;
    4. To divide the work of the Board into manageable sections;
    5. To provide counseling and advice to the Board; and
    6. To handle specific tasks assigned by the Board.

  2. Guidelines. All committees shall operate under the following guidelines:
    1. Committees do not speak on behalf of the Board;
    2. Committees do not act on behalf of the Board;
    3. Committee recommendations to the Board shall be based upon a vote or consensus, with a majority ruling;
    4. 各委员会应继续集中注意董事会分配的具体问题/任务。委员会如需审议其他事项或任务,应先经全体理事会批准;and
    5. Committees shall not deviate from Board directions.
    6. Committees shall be subject to public meetings and records law in the same manner as regular Board meetings, including all laws regarding public notice, requirements around open meetings, minute taking and record keeping obligations, and requirements associated with recording.

  3. Annual Review. The Board shall do the following each year with respect to all committees, which it may do at the annual meeting, at a retreat, or at a regular meeting:
    1. Evaluate the need for each existing committee;
    2. Consider whether any additional committee(s) is/are needed;
    3. Review and consider whether updates are needed to any committee’s charge; and
    4. Evaluate the effectiveness of each committee.

  4. Committee Chairs. Each committee chair shall seek to do the following:
    1. Involve all members in committee meetings and work;
    2. Leverage the particular skills/knowledge of individual members;
    3. Clearly define and remind committee members of the specific jobs or goals established by the Board to keep the committee on task;
    4. 帮助确定和协调对委员会完成工作有帮助或必要的外部援助和学院联络;and
    5. 协助董事会每年评估委员会的效能。

  5. 委员会成员;Consultants.
    1. 除适用法律或适用合同另有要求外,只有董事会成员才能担任董事会委员会的有表决权的成员。
    2. 但是,根据董事会或委员会的决定,一个委员会可以有一个或多个书院联络人。
    3. Each committee shall consult with such third parties, within the College and outside, as it deems reasonably necessary to effectively and efficiently complete its work; provided, however, no committee shall hire any outside expertise without the approval of the whole Board.

修订日期:2010年12月8日;2015年12月9日;September 8, 2021

A COCC Board will have six standing committees and one ad hoc committee with members appointed at the annual meeting.

  1. President's Evaluation Committee- consisting of three members of the Board who will gather any necessary information, review the process of evaluation, and facilitate discussion.
  2. Board Self-Evaluation Committee- consisting of three members of the Board who will review the process of evaluation, gather any necessary information, and facilitate the evaluation discussion.
  3. Keyes Trust Committee- consisting of one Board member and the President who will comply with the instructions of the Keyes Trust.
  4. Audit and Finance Committee-由三名董事会成员和两名预算委员会成员组成。会员的任期为三年。
  5. Real Estate Committee- consisting of three members of the Board. The President (or designee) and other staff may serve as ex-officio members.
  6. Student Success Committee- consisting of three members of the Board who help to monitor all elements of Student Success initiatives at the college.
  7. Naming Committee- is an advisory committee consisting of a faculty member, classified staff, administrator and the Executive Director of the COCC Foundation. This committee can be authorized by the Board of Directors to recommend the naming of rooms, landscape areas and features of the college. As clarified in GP9, the Board of Directors reserves unto itself the ultimate responsibility for the naming of buildings.

    All other Board committees will be established on a designated or ad hoc basis, with a specific charge, and timeline for completion.

Approved: June 9, 1993
Revised: June 13, 2001; December 9, 2015


Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to: long-term financial health of the institution, strategic planning, master plan update, facility maintenance review, student success measures, new programs, and review of Board policies.

Board members will also be encouraged to identify those areas of education and training needed to increase their knowledge and effectiveness in future deliberations.

Approved: June 9, 1993
Revised: February 8, 1995; December 9, 2015

Given the role that a Board member plays, and the fact that they are often seen as the "face" of the institution, the Board expects at all times that its members will exhibit ethical and professional conduct. This commitment includes proper use of authority and appropriate decorum in group and individual behavior at all times.

  1. Board members must represent unconflicted loyalty to the interests of the stakeholders and constituents. This accountability supersedes any conflicting loyalty such as that to advocacy of interest groups and membership on other boards or staffs. This accountability supersedes the personal interest of any Board member acting as an individual consumer of the organization's services.

  2. 董事会成员必须避免与受托责任有关的任何利益冲突。
    1. There must be no self-dealing or any conduct of private business or personal services between any Board member and the organization except as procedurally controlled to assure openness, competitive opportunity and equal access to information.
    2. 董事会成员不得利用职务之便为自己、家人或关系密切的人在组织中就业。
    3. Should a Board member be considered for employment, s/he must temporarily withdraw from Board deliberation, voting and access to applicable Board information.
  3. Board members may not attempt to exercise individual authority over the organization except as explicitly set forth in Board policies.
    1. 董事会成员与总统或工作人员的互动必须认识到,除上述情况外,任何董事会成员个人或董事会成员团体都缺乏权力。
    2. Board members' interaction with the public, press or other entities must recognize the same limitation and the similar inability of any Board member or Board members to speak for the board.
    3. Board members will refrain from making any public remarks or disparaging comments about the President or staff that could damage the college's reputation.
  4. 董事会成员将报销所有与董事会/大学相关的旅行;但是,除非董事会主席事先批准,否则学院不支付陪伴董事会成员的家庭成员的餐费、住宿费或其他费用。

Approved: June 9, 1993
Revised: March 13, 1996; November 14, 2001; December 9, 2016; September 8, 2021

The Board will operate in a consistent manner, following the policies detailed herein, and, unless otherwise noted and/or subject to applicable law, adhere to these operational proceedings:

  1. The Board will meet on the second Wednesday of each month, normally at 5:45 p.m. in the Christiansen Board Room of the Boyle Education Center on the Bend campus. When the chair deems it necessary or advisable to reschedule the time or date of a regular meeting, the chair may do so, in consultation with the president and the remainder of the Board. Reasons for rescheduling may include, but are not limited to, assuring quorum, accommodating other College needs for the Board Room, and avoiding conflicts with holidays or community/College events. The chair may upon his or her own motion, or at the request of three members of the Board, by giving notice to all members of the Board and the public call for an emergency meeting or special meeting of the Board; provided, however, special meetings must be called and noticed at least 24 hours prior to the holding of the special meeting. All meetings of the Board will be called, noticed, and held in accordance with the rules of the Board, ORS Chapter 341, and Oregon’s Public Meetings Law.
  2. To foster equitable participation by all Board members and to facilitate efficient and effective meetings, the Board shall generally follow Robert’s Rules of Order in the conduct of meetings.
  3. 作为7月理事会定期会议的一部分,在年度组织会议上,理事会应选举主席和副主席。副主席将担任当选主席,期望但没有义务成为主席。不需要副主席担任主席,董事会也没有义务选举一名前副主席担任主席。主席不在时,由副主席代行主席职务。
  4. When a vacancy as specified under ORS 341.335(1)(a)-(d) occurs on the Board, the remaining Board members shall cause the College to publicly advertise the vacancy and seek applications from members of the public who reside within the zone represented by the vacancy. The Board shall prescribe the format in which applications to fill the vacancy are to be submitted. Time permitting, the Board may choose to convene a subcommittee of Board members to screen applications, and/or interview applicants, and make a recommendation to the Board. At a regular or special meeting, the Board shall then fill the vacancy with a qualified individual. The member so selected shall serve until the next Board election at which time the current Board member (or a successor) shall be formally elected to fill the remainder of the unexpired term, if applicable.
  5. During the budget review process, the Board will convene the District Budget Committee, in accordance with ORS Chapter 294.
  6. The Board Chair, with input from Board members and the President, will set the Board’s meeting agendas. The Chair will seek to base agendas upon then-current issues for the College as well as upon the goals and issues agreed upon by the full board at a retreat.
  7. 在俄勒冈州法律和学院技术允许的范围内,董事会成员可以通过电话会议或其他电子方式参加会议,并被认为在场,前提是所有董事会成员和出席会议的公众可以合理地听到董事会成员的声音,董事会成员也可以合理地听到其他董事会成员和出席会议的公众的声音。根据适用法律,学院将提供电子通道或其他方式让公众人士出席董事会会议。
  8. 校董会优先考虑公众及书院社会人士的参与。委员会有权规定公众评论的时间限制,采取部分证词,限制辩论,或采取任何必要行动,以便在完成公布议程所需的时间内为个人提供公平的听证。
  9. The naming of any campus, building, or significant spaces within Central Oregon Community College shall be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

A. The Board may choose to name a building after a major geographical feature, facility function or after persons
involved with the College or state of Oregon. The Board may use a naming committee to recommend names for
particular campuses, buildings or significant spaces

B. The Board may choose to name smaller areas of the College, such as rooms or spaces, after persons living or
deceased, or organizations which have given a major service or made major contributions to the College or College

C. The Board will consult with, and consider requests from, the president and the executive director of the COCC
Foundation in exercising naming opportunities.

D. The Board may, as it deems appropriate, change the name of any campus, building, room, space, or area of the

10. When the Board finds it to be in the best interest of the College, the Board may disregard any of its policies and take action contrary to such policy(ies).

Revised: July 13, 1994

Board policy will include appropriate and/or required policies to meet federal and state laws and regulations, and program requirements, i.e., equal opportunity, affirmative action, sexual harassment, handicap accessibility.

Revised: November 10, 2010; December 9, 2015


The Board of Directors will formally review the Board Governing Policies every other year (although changes may be made sooner than that if necessary)


Approved: November 12, 1998; Revised: October 9, 2013; December 9, 2015

COCC预算委员会将遵循ORS 294.414的规定。委员会将试图从每个委员会区域任命一名预算委员会成员。然而,在特殊情况下(如边界改变影响到现任预算委员会成员或没有来自某一地区的候选人),委员会可以选择例外任命居住在该地区但在邻近地区的预算委员会成员代表该地区。

批准日期:2010年11月10日;Revised: December 9, 2015

The Board will strive to maintain an awareness of local, regional and national trends in community college education. As such, there is an expectation that a least once in their 4-year term, a Board member will attend a convention of American Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), or Oregon Community College Association (OCCA).

Given their role on the Board, the Chair will be especially encouraged to attend the ACCT annual convention each year.

Approved: March 13, 1996; Revised: December 9, 2015

All new Board Members will receive an orientation to COCC and the role and responsibilities of the COCC Board of Directors within the first three months of election and/or appointment. The orientation will be conducted by Board Members in collaboration with the President and include topics in: Policies, statutory responsibilities, institutional financial status and other topics as determined by the Chair.

GP 15: Media Attendance at Executive Sessions
Approved January 11, 2012; Revised: December 9, 2015

根据《俄勒冈州公共会议法》和《ORS 192.660》,新闻媒体的公认代表可以参加行政会议。但是,本届执行会议的会议记录仅供提供背景资料,不供出版或广播。

The following entities are recognized as news media organizations eligible to attend executive sessions at COCC because they have an established history:

The Bulletin
The Broadside
The Source
Cascade Business Journal
The Redmond Spokesman
The Central Oregonian
The Madras Pioneer
The Sisters Nugget
The Newberry Eagle
The Spilyay Tymoo
Bend Radio Group
Combined Communications
Horizon Broadcasting Group
Oregon Public Broadcasting

No other entity shall be permitted to attend an executive session unless it is recognized through the process described below.

The following organizations' members are eligible to seek application to attend executive sessions:

  • A general or associate member newspaper of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, a broadcast member of the Oregon Association of Broadcasters or a member of the Associated Press; or
  • 学院用于发布公告且符合ORS 193.020要求的报纸;or
  • An entity recognized by the College as being a news source that:
    • Is organized and operated to regularly and continuously publish, broadcast, transmit via the Internet or otherwise disseminate news to the public; and
    • Regularly reports on activities of the College or matters of the nature under consideration by the College; and
    • Is a well-established entity committed to complying with the requirement that confidential executive session information be undisclosed.


Any entity seeking recognition as a news media organization has the burden of proof to establish that it meets the standards of this policy. A determination that the entity is not recognized shall be based upon written findings addressing the criteria in this policy.

The College may require that a request to attend an executive session be made in writing, in advance of the meeting. The request shall disclosure the person's name and the entity for which he or she is a news reporter. The request shall also include a certification that the person is gathering news for a recognized news media organization, that the information given is true and that the person agrees to comply with ORS 192.660.

The College may consider any relevant evidence provided or gathered in making its decision as to whether a person shall be recognized as a representative of a recognized news media organization.

In making its determination whether to recognize a specific person as a representative of the news media organization, the College may also require:

  • A press badge or identification issued by the recognized news media organization, plus proof of identity (such as a driver's license); or
  • 最近在公认的新闻媒体机构出版物、广播上发表的新闻文章,署名或者报头注明其为新闻媒体机构新闻采编人员的姓名,并附有身份证明;or
  • A letter on letterhead from an editor of the recognized news media organization in which the editor states that the reporter is covering the meeting for the news media organization, plus proof of identity.

Representatives of the news media are not permitted to attend executive sessions involving deliberations with persons designated to carry on labor negotiations (ORS 192.660(4)). Additionally, if the executive session is being held for the purpose of conferring with counsel about current litigation or litigation likely to be filed, the College shall exclude any member of the news media from attending if the member is a party to the litigation to be discussed or is an employee, agent or contractor of a news media organization that is a party to the litigation (ORS 192.660(5)).

Cameras, tape recorders and other recording devices shall not be used in executive sessions, except for the official executive session tapes made by College staff.

Any person or entity which has a direct personal interest in the subject of the executive session may be barred from attending.


批准日期:1993年6月9日;Revised: December 9, 2015

The President is accountable to the full board. The board will establish the governing policies, delegating implementation of the policies and the development and implementation of procedures to the president.

  1. All board authority delegated to staff is delegated through the President, so that all authority and accountability of staff is considered to be the authority and accountability of the President.
  2. The President is authorized to establish all procedures, make all decisions, take all actions and develop and implement all activities as long as they are consistent with the Board's direction and policies. This includes specific goals set by the Board on an annual basis.
  3. No individualB董事会成员、官员或委员会对总统有权力。个人或团体可能要求提供资料或提供协助,但根据总统的判断,如果这种要求需要大量的工作人员时间或资金,或具有破坏性,则可能被拒绝,除非得到委员会的授权。

批准日期:1993年6月9日;Revised: December 9, 2015

The President's job duties and responsibilities can be stated as performance in the following areas:

  1. Performance of Board Goals and Objectives
  2. Relationship with the Board of Directors
  3. Operational Skills and Services
  4. Professional and Leadership Activities
  5. 知识、技能和能力。

批准日期:1993年6月9日;Revised: December 9, 2015


(a) to compare the President's performance with the requirements stated in the Presidential job description adopted by the Board;

(b) to evaluate the success of the College in meeting its strategic objectives as set forth in the adopted Strategic Plan, and the President's role in such success or lack of success;

(c) to evaluate the President's performance in carrying out specific goals and tasks assigned by the Board; and

(d) to evaluate such other aspects of the President's performance as the Committee deems relevant.

在董事会的执行会议上,委员会应在合理的情况下尽快在每年5月之前将业绩评估草案提交董事会审议。这种业绩评价草案应包括委员会建议的薪金和福利调整建议。The Board may take any of the following actions with respect to the draft performance evaluation:

(a) approve it;

(b) modify and approve it;

(c) instruct the Committee to consider additional matters and propose a revised draft performance evaluation in the future. When the Board adopts the performance evaluation, the Chair shall provide a copy to the President and meet with the President to discuss it.

Approved: June 9, 1993
修订:1995年2月8日;December 9, 2015

为了保护董事会免受突然失去总统服务的影响,总统可能有不少于两名其他高管熟悉董事会和总统的问题和流程。The President will designate to the Board each year, at the organizational meeting, his or her recommended line of succession.

Approved: March 13, 1991
(原EL 5) 1995年2月8日修订;1998年10月14日;2010年3月10日;2015年12月9日;October 22, 2020

In the absence of the College President, an individual holding the position of Vice President or Chief Officer may be designated by the College President to serve as Acting President of Central Oregon Community College for short periods of time, not to exceed 30 consecutive working days at a time. For periods in excess of 30 working days, the Acting President of Central Oregon Community College shall be selected by the Board of Directors.

Approved: March 13, 1991
Revised February 8, 1995; October 14, 1998; March 10, 2010; December 9, 2015

In the absence of the College President and when an Acting President has not been named, administrative responsibility shall reside with:

  1. Vice President for Instruction
  2. Vice President for Administration

Approved: March 15, 2018

The Board of Directors of Central Oregon Community College may, at its sole discretion, grant President Emeritus status to a retiring or retired college president. President Emeritus status shall be reserved to honor, in retirement, a college president who has provided outstanding and distinguished service to the College. The designation identifies the college president as a continuing member of the college community.

  1. A member of the College Board of Directors may nominate a retiring or retired college president to become President Emeritus. The title must be approved by a majority vote of the College Board of Directors.
  2. In addition to the benefits and privileges received by all emeritus faculty and staff, a college president granted emeritus status will also receive a resolution naming and honoring the college president as President Emeritus and use of the title "President Emeritus in community and professional activities.
  3. The current College President may call upon the President Emeritus to provide counsel or to serve in various volunteer roles and/or capacities in support of the college; provided however, Presidents Emeriti are not required to continue to serve the college community.
  4. The title of President Emeritus confers no remuneration, rights to employment, or benefit in addition to those provided above. Presidents Emeriti do not exercise any of the authority or administrative functions associated with holding a staff position at the college.
  5. The Board of Directors retains the authority to withdraw a President Emeritus title at its discretion, as it deems necessary and appropriate. Such action would require a majority vote of the Board of Directors.


Approved: June 9, 1993 Revised: December 9, 2015; November 9, 2016; May 12, 2021

The President shall foster a welcoming and inclusive campus environment reflective of our diverse college district, ensuring that working conditions are fair and dignified for all paid and volunteer staff.

Accordingly, the President must:

  1. 操作人员程序,明确员工的人事规则,提供有效的处理投诉,并防止错误的条件。
  2. Ensure there will be no discrimination or harassment on the basis of age, disability, sex, marital status, national origin, ethnicity, color, race, religion, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, citizenship status, pregnancy or any other classes protected under Federal and State statutes in any educational programs,
    activities or employment.
  3. Report annually to the board on employee hiring and retention related to the protected classes listed above.
  4. Allow staff to file a grievance with the Board when (A) internal grievance procedures have been exhausted and (B) the employee alleges either (i) that Board policy has been violated to his or her detriment or (ii) that Board policy does not adequately protect his or her human rights.
  5. 确保员工熟悉并充分了解他们在本政策下的权利。

Revised: January 12, 2011; December 9, 2015

Budgeting for any fiscal year or the remaining part of any fiscal year shall be consistent with Board priorities and guidance, avoiding unnecessary fiscal risk, and generally showing acceptable levels of oversight.

Accordingly, the President must produce (or cause to be produced) budgeting which:

  1. Contains sufficient information to enable accurate projections;
    Contains sufficient information to separate capital and operational items;
    Contains sufficient information to do cash flow projections; and
    Contains sufficient information to clarify planning assumptions.
  2. Plans the expenditure in any fiscal year of fewer funds than are conservatively projected to be available in that period.
  3. 确保现金账户在任何时候都不低于500,000美元的安全储备。
  4. Provides at least $30,000 per annum for Board prerogatives during the year.
  5. 来源于长期规划,包括但不限于5年预测和基于预测问题的储量。
  6. Ensures working capital at the end of any fiscal year does not drop below 10 percent of the year's operating expenditures.

Revised: March 9, 2011; December 9, 2015

The President must ensure that the organization is in strong or at the very least stable financial health.

Accordingly, the President must:

  1. 到目前为止,支出的资金少于预算和本财政年度的拨款。
  2. Not indebt the organization of an amount greater than can be repaid by certain, otherwise unencumbered revenues within 60 days, except board-approved debt service and/or certificates of participation.
  3. Not use any Reserves that are not budgeted and appropriated for expenditure.
  4. 如果没有消除赤字的计划,就不允许在任何财政年度结束时出现赤字基金余额。
  5. 不允许现金少于及时结算工资和债务所需的金额。
  6. 确保纳税或其他政府命令的支付或申报准确并及时提交。
  7. Ensure actual allocations to not deviate materially from Board priorities and guidance.
  8. 只有在董事会事先批准后,学院的独立审计员才能提供非审计服务。
  9. Ensure the following certifications to the Board upon the completion of an audit:
    A. He/she has reviewed the annual audit report;
    B. Based on his/her knowledge, the annual audit report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omission of a material fact necessary in order to make the statement misleading;
    C. Based on his/her knowledge, the financial statements present in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations.
    In addition, the President must operate with the following certifications from the CFO, Director of Fiscal Services and Accounting Manager:
    D. He/she has reviewed the annual audit report;
    E. Based on his/her knowledge, the annual audit report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omission of a material fact necessary in order to make the statement misleading;
    F. Based on his/her knowledge,the financial statements present in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations.
  10. Ensure that the organization has established and maintains an adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting.

Revised: March 9, 2011; December 9, 2015

The President must ensure that material, fiscal and human resource assets are protected, adequately maintained, and not put at unnecessary risk.

Accordingly, the President must:

  1. Inform the Board of misalignment among fiscal resources, staffing, and programmatic commitments for implementing college vision and mission.
  2. Insure responsibly against theft and casualty and against liability losses to Board members, staff or the organization itself.
  3. Not allow personnel access to material amounts of funds without purchasing a fidelity bond or providing equivalent coverage.
  4. Ensure maintenance schedules are reviewed at least annually.
  5. Not allow unnecessary exposure to the organization, its Board or staff to claims of liability.
  6. Not make any purchase or commit the organization to any expenditure of greater than $100,000 without full knowledge and approval of the Board.
  7. Not make any material purchase without complying with the Central Oregon Community College Rules of Procurement (CCRP) or the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR). (The purchasing guidelines will automatically change with changes in CCRP, ORS, and OAR purchasing statutes.)
  8. 只接收、处理或支付受控制的资金,这些资金必须足以符合委员会任命的审计员的标准。
  9. Not invest or hold operating capital in investments in violations of state or federal law.
  10. Not acquire, encumber or dispose of real property.

Revised: May 10, 2017

With respect to employment, compensation and benefits to employees, consultant, contract workers and volunteers, the President must ensure the organization's fiscal integrity, public image and program quality.

Accordingly, the President must:

  1. Not change unilaterally his or her own compensation and benefits.
  2. Not promise or imply permanent or guaranteed employment.
  3. 建立在当地或区域层面具有竞争力的薪酬和福利。他/她不得创造超过预期收入所能保守承担的期限的债务,在任何情况下不得超过一年或董事会批准的集体谈判合同的条款,并在所有情况下可能造成收入损失。
  4. Establish deferred or long term compensation and benefits, within the following constraints:
    A. Must not cause unfunded liabilities that commit the organization to benefits which incur unpredictable future costs.
    B. Must not provide less than some basic level of benefits to all eligible full time employees, though differential benefits to encourage retention of key employees are permitted.
  5. 确保根据国家劳动法及时与员工团体进行谈判。
  6. Inform the Board prior to the establishment of negotiation teams, allowing the Board to consider the option of including a Board member on a team.

BEP: 6:
Approved: June 9, 1993 Revised: December 9, 2015

With respect to providing information and counsel to the Board, it is critical that the President keep the Board fully informed.

Accordingly, the President must:

  1. Make the Board aware of all relevant trends, anticipated adverse media coverage, information which might have political consequences, material external and internal changes, particularly changes in the assumptions upon which any Board policy has previously been established.
  2. Submit the required monitoring data (see policy on Monitoring Executive Performance) in a timely, accurate and understandable fashion, directly addressing provisions of the Board policies being monitored.
  3. Gather for the Board as many staff and external points of view, issues and options as needed for fully informed Board choices, particularly with respect to faculty opinion on instructional matters.
  4. Present information clearly and in a concise format with minimal jargon.
  5. 为董事会、官员或委员会提供正式的沟通机制。
  6. Communicate with the Board as a whole except when (a) fulfilling individual requests for information or (b) responding to officers or committees duly charged by the Board.
  7. Report in a timely manner an actual or anticipated noncompliance with any policy of the Board.


Approved: January 9, 2002; Revised: December 9, 2015

With respect to the incurrence and management of institutional debt, the President shall insure that sufficient funds are available to meet current and future debt requirements on all indebtedness within prudent fiscal parameters.

Accordingly, the President must:

  1. 发行完全符合俄勒冈州修订法规中规定的指导方针和限制的债券和其他义务。
  2. 确保未来的预算充分计划支付其一般债务到期的本金和利息。
  3. 只有当有足够的收入并确定将来有足够的收入来支付债务时,才发放参与证书(例如,充分的信用债务)。
  4. Ensure adequate accounting to occur for the property taxes that have been levied to pay for the maturing principal and interest of general obligation bonds.
  5. 不允许一般义务债务超过地区一般义务债务能力的百分之五十。
  6. Ensure that a periodic review of interest rates is conducted at least once every 3 years to determine whether potential savings from refinancing meet and exceed 3% aggregate interest costs savings required by the State Treasurer's guidelines.
  7. 不允许未使用法律服务、金融服务和支付代理而产生债务。



Revised: July 13, 1994; Revised: December 9, 2015

The Board of Directors will comply with Chapter 341 of the Oregon Revised Statutes (O.R.S.) and all other appropriate federal and state statutory regulations.